*** Now available for ordering. Please use this link: Sierra Luna
The Sierra-2 and Sierra Tower continue to be huge successes for us. We have been receiving many requests for smaller matching true ribbon tweeter based speakers to be used as surrounds, both with the Sierra-2 and our Sierra Ribbon Towers.
It should come as no surprise that we have been working on this for a while now. After much modeling and discussion with the engineers at SEAS, we have concluded that not only is this doable, but when paired with a quality subwoofer, the Sierra Sat will make for a wonderful set of smaller main speakers, while also being a lesser expensive entry into the world of RAAL ribbons.
Much like with the custom SEAS woofer we use in the Sierra-2, our nearly 2 decades worth of experience working closely with the world-class engineers at SEAS, has afforded us the privilege of having them “jump right into this” for us, no questions asked.
And, just like with our Sierra-2 – not a single off-the-shelf or OEM component will be used. The Sierra Sat will feature the jointly developed custom Sierra-2 RAAL ribbon tweeter, a fully custom SEAS Curv 4.5” woofer, advanced crossover – all combined into our class leading US-Built layered bamboo cabinets. It is our firm intention to, once again, raise the performance bar for what was previously possible in a small speaker.
This speaker won’t outperform the Sierra-2, it is meant more to enhance our current line of true ribbon speakers. It will prove an ideal solution for those who want “ribbons all the way around” and for others who seek the highest performance possible in a true sub / sat system.
Let’s use this thread for discussion, just like we have in similar new product threads. Obviously, we can not divulge full details just yet but I am personally very excited about this new speaker. It brings back fond memories of the much suggested Sierra .5 which never took shape – but, let’s not forget, that we designed the Sierra-2 tweeter with the same faceplate and cutout dimensions as the dome tweeter in the Sierra-1![]()