Quote Originally Posted by Jim Burnes View Post
Glad that I've got the V1 xovers then.

BTW: I'm setting up a home theater in the basement and after pricing out some high end Klipsch gear i figured I might consider Ascend for the job as it would likely beat the klipsch stuff on price as well as peerformance. One thing that I would really like though would be a Duo / D'Appolito variant of the 2EX for LCR duty. The current Duos are cute but a little small for my space. A 2EX Duo would be like a beefier Dunlavy SM1 and just big enough for my room. Two of the Seas 6" per speaker would support both 2 channel stereo and demanding LCR tasks of home theater. I could use smaller ascends for surround channels.
Hi Jim,

Please don't disregard the Sierra-2EX V2 upgrade based on Ted's comments. Ted has a good ear, but he also prefers speakers with rising treble, which is easy for me to conclude based on the speakers of ours he loved, and the ones he did not love.

We have now had over 300+ customers upgrade from Sierra-2EX to Sierra-2EX V2 and so far, Ted is the only customer who actually prefers the original version compared to the V2 (and that is perfectly OK). In fact, we never expected the overwhelming feedback on the V2 upgrade nor did we expect to sell as many of the V2 upgrade kits as we are.

From a purely objective standpoint, the Sierra-2EX V2 is the better speaker, and to my ears and the majority of our Sierra-2EX customers, also better sounding as well.

We priced the V2 upgrades very fairly and they are not a profit center for us (I think I might have made a mistake in that regard ) - so I am not trying to sell something to you (that isn't what I do) - but, based on measurements and the vast majority of listeners - statistically speaking, there is over a 99% chance you will prefer the V2 version.