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Thread: Svs 16-46 Pc+

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California


    WooHoo!! Success!

    Now just kick back and enjoy!

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    Not sure about the "well-written" part. I was listening to music while I wrote that... it's loaded with grammatical errors.

    Thanks for the comment though!

    A 16-46 PC-Ultra would be interesting... ($$$$)
    The 16-46 PC+ at $900 (incl. shipping) is enough for my wallet...

    Still considering getting another one in 3 or 4 weeks...
    THEN I can kick back and enjoy my 13" widescreen ultravision 6000...
    Last edited by Nicholas Mosher; 04-08-2005 at 08:30 PM.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Sep 2003


    Congratulations, I'm glad it worked out for you.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    000000N 0000000E


    Hey nick - do you have any thoughts on what the trade-off's would be going with a 16-46 PCi instead of the PC+? I've capped myself at around $700 shipped which leaves me with the SVS PCi series, PB-12 ISD & ISD/V, the HSU VTF-3 MKII (stretching $$), or some DIY solution. My tastes aren't quite as discerning as yours, but similar...I really want something that goes deep but is "quick."

    I wish every company posted freq-response graphs and spectral decay like ascend. oh well.
    Jon O.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Minnesota, US

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    My tastes aren't quite as discerning as yours, but similar...I really want something that goes deep but is "quick."
    Actually your tastes sound exactly like mine...

    "Slow" or "Muddy" bass really seems to be peaks at certain frequencies caused by peoples rooms. Peaks at 60Hz is the one that really bothered me. If you can discern the difference between "quick" and "slow" bass, you probably are going to want a Behringer Feedback Destroyer Pro Parametric EQ. They're about $120, and a must-have for good quality low frequency response. You should also have a radio shack SPL meter (~$40) and a good setup DVD like "Avia" (~$40). I firmly believe that a properly equalized and calibrated $500 sub will sound much more clear and definitive (although perhaps not as loud or deep) than a $3000 un-equalized, uncalibrated sub.

    As the sub's tuning point goes lower, you lose headroom at the higher frequencies. In the case of the 1646 sized tube, this is problematic if you like spirited playback levels. The problem gets worse as your room size gets larger. I find one 1646+ to be barely adequate in my 1500ft^3 room. I no longer believe the port plugging hype either. It decreased my headroom in my 1646+ so badly that it bottomed out. If you want that infrasonic stuff that really makes cannons, pipe organs, and pixar movies sound real, you'll want something tuned less than 20Hz.

    I believe you get greater headroom with less distortion at the peaks with the PC+ line, but you should eMail SVS about this. If you really want "clean/fast" bass, I would highly recommend getting a $550 dollar sub with the BFD on a $700 budget.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Bloomfield, CT


    FWIW, I was able to get a BFD in pristine condition (albeit the previous model) for $50 on ebay. Scored a Rat Shack meter for $14.99 as well... YMMV.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Portland, Or



    I won't speak for Nick, but how big is your room? How much output are you looking for in general terms? If I was handed your budget, given my preferences I would consider the SVS PCi 20-39, the SVS PB-12 ISD/V, and the HSU VTF3 Mk II. If I could scrimp another $125, I'd consider the SVS PC+ 20-39. You would get the upgraded driver, amplifier, and variable tuning. With the PCi, you can try 12, 16, or 20 hz tunes to see which you like best.

    You lose headroom in all but the ultra-low frequencies with a 16 hz tune. You give up some infrasonics with a 20 hz tune, but room gain and sub placement can help you get some of that back without losing output and headroom above 25 hz. That's why Nick is looking at a second 16-46. He craves the infrasonics, but needs more effortless output above 25 hz than one 16-46 PC+ can deliver.

    If the PC+ 20-39 is absolutely not an option, and you're intent on trying a sub with a >20hz tune, I'd try the PB-12 ISD/V. You'd have the ability to experiment with different tuning frequencies. You could see for yourself if the added infrasonics are worth the trade off. If it's not worth it, you're not stuck with a 16 hz maximum tune.

    If you're not set on trying a low tune, I'd also consider the VTF3 or 20-39 PCi. They both have flat response to 18 hz.

    I personally have the VTF3 Mk II and love it. I've never heard SVS, but I'm sure they're very nice as well. The VTF3 extends down to 18 hz +/- 2 dB in the 20 hz tune in an anechoic chamber. It may be possible to achieve 16 hz +/- 3 dB in room response. Hopefully Curtis chimes in. He recently did some measurements of his VTF3 in-room and had nice extension well into the infrasonics.

    Good luck...

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Portland, Or


    Picking up on Nick's comment about a $550 sub and BFD, I would agree. EQing and/or treating your room to improve in room response will make a $550 sub sound better than a $700 sub with no help. If you're capped at $700 for the sub/EQ/treatment combo, I'd consider a 20-39 PCi, BFD, and some DIY no frills bass traps. You'd get 20 hz extension anechoic and quite possibly down to 18 or below in room, good headroom above 25 hz, room treatments and an EQ to finish the job.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    I think for your budget a sub tuned for 20Hz like the SVS 20-39 PCi is your best bet. With shipping and a BFD + shipping you're looking at just a smidgen over $700. The closest HSU by the price/numbers would be an STF-3 (although it's tuned 5Hz higher than the 20-39). A VTF-2 or STF-2 would probably have the same problems I encountered with the PB10 due to the limitations of a 10" driver. At this price point I think I would forego a HSU option.

    If your budget can accommodate ~$850 I would get a HSU VTF3-MKII with the BFD as the move up from the 20-39 PCi to the 20-39 PC+ would be out of your budget.

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