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Thread: Am I benefiting from having RAAL ribbon speakers?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Default Am I benefiting from having RAAL ribbon speakers?

    I own a pair of Sierra 2EX V2s. I love them and have zero issues with how they perform in my room. I use them for 80% TV programming such as HULU, Netflix, etc... Music is approx 18% and my preferences are jazz, big band, orchestral and other acoustic music. (the remaining 2%) is classic rock.

    Here is where my question begins; I did a few on-line hearing tests and discovered I cannot hear above 14 kHz. This was my result from three different on-line tests. I did the tests in a quiet room wearing over ear headphones. I am 65 (in 2 days!.... finally true senior citizen haha) so no real surprise on the high frequency hearing loss.

    Am I benefiting by the RAAL ribbons despite my hearing limitation? Is there more to the sound of the RAALs than simply their highest extension? Do they sound "better" (for lack of a better word) than the LX for my type of music preferences even though I can't hear up to and above 20khz?

    The reason I'm asking, is I've been considering adding a Rhythmic L12 at some point but if I'm not hearing what the RAAL's are providing, maybe I'd be better off with the LX despite my musical preferences.

    Very unscientific, but I bet most of those who like the types of music that I prefer, may be in the older demographics. So this question may apply to many EX owners.
    Last edited by rifmon; 03-06-2024 at 05:24 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California

    Default Re: Am I benefiting from having RAAL ribbon speakers?

    Hi rifmon, the answer is yes, you still benefit from the RAAL due to its lower stored energy, faster impulse response, and faster decay times. It is more detailed throughout its frequency range.

    That said, the Titan tweeter in the LX is also excellent. I have the LX and love it. It has better vertical dispersion, but I never felt the dispersion with my Sierra-2's was ever a problem. There are times I wonder about having a RAAL again, but then I sit back and listen.

    I am sure Dave will correct me if I am wrong.
    Last edited by curtis; 03-06-2024 at 07:23 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Default Re: Am I benefiting from having RAAL ribbon speakers?

    Thanks Curtis. Knowing that the differences between the two are not limited to the frequency extention, but rather, throughout the response within my hearing capabilities, is assuring.

    Adding a sub would mostly be for TV programing and the few times I watch an actual movie. Most of my music is fine without except for possibly upright bass.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Manhattan Beach, California

    Default Re: Am I benefiting from having RAAL ribbon speakers?

    Quote Originally Posted by rifmon View Post
    Thanks Curtis. Knowing that the differences between the two are not limited to the frequency extention, but rather, throughout the response within my hearing capabilities, is assuring.

    Adding a sub would mostly be for TV programing and the few times I watch an actual movie. Most of my music is fine without except for possibly upright bass.
    The 2EXv2's don't play as low as the LX's.

    This is a great chart on musical instruments and their frequency ranges(there are lots of charts like this one on the web:

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Default Re: Am I benefiting from having RAAL ribbon speakers?

    hi rifmon,
    Having hearing issues myself. i would recommend you get hearing aids. i have purchased multiple sets of ascend speakers and until my hearing was corrected, everything was really full of bass. This happened with all brands i have owned. Everything sounded great prior to the aids but a whole new world opened once i could hear the upper end. Nuances in music i had forgotten were there suddenly re-experienced and actually hearing dialogue in movies. You will enjoy the speakers regardless. Just wanted to let you know how much you are missing.

  6. #6
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    Just outside Pearland, TX

    Default Re: Am I benefiting from having RAAL ribbon speakers?

    I'm 54 and I'm deaf at 15kHz and above, just normal age-related HF loss.

    I own both LXs and EXv2s. If you already own the EXs the only major reasons to get the LX would be bass performance and vertical dispersion. I think you'd probably be better served by adding a sub than by side-grading to LXs, and it's cheaper. ($900 + shipping for two LX upgrades vs. $629 for an L12.)
    Luna Duo V2 LR, Titan Horizon V2, and Rythmik L22 & L12 in HT1; Sierra-LXs in study; S-2EXs and Duo V2 C in bedroom; S-1 NrTs in dining room; S-1s at work; HTM-200s in kitchen. Brother owns CMT-340s and dad has a pair of CBM-170s.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Am I benefiting from having RAAL ribbon speakers?

    Quote Originally Posted by curtis View Post
    The 2EXv2's don't play as low as the LX's.

    This is a great chart on musical instruments and their frequency ranges(there are lots of charts like this one on the web:
    Curtis, that is a cool chart! Thanks! I'm going to bookmark that. I would not have thought a harp would go down the the sub bass.

  8. #8
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    Dec 2005

    Default Re: Am I benefiting from having RAAL ribbon speakers?

    Quote Originally Posted by gas View Post
    hi rifmon,
    Having hearing issues myself. i would recommend you get hearing aids. i have purchased multiple sets of ascend speakers and until my hearing was corrected, everything was really full of bass. This happened with all brands i have owned. Everything sounded great prior to the aids but a whole new world opened once i could hear the upper end. Nuances in music i had forgotten were there suddenly re-experienced and actually hearing dialogue in movies. You will enjoy the speakers regardless. Just wanted to let you know how much you are missing.
    Thanks gas. I am in the process of choosing coverage that includes hearing. Although I never thought of hearing aids, I did consider getting my ears cleaned. BTW, I do not recommend using hydrogen peroxide to remove ear wax unless you want to watch the room spin on your back. I did that approx 20 years ago. It was unforgettable. I highly recommend leaving that to a professional

  9. #9
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    Dec 2005

    Default Re: Am I benefiting from having RAAL ribbon speakers?

    Quote Originally Posted by SunByrne View Post
    I'm 54 and I'm deaf at 15kHz and above, just normal age-related HF loss.

    I own both LXs and EXv2s. If you already own the EXs the only major reasons to get the LX would be bass performance and vertical dispersion. I think you'd probably be better served by adding a sub than by side-grading to LXs, and it's cheaper. ($900 + shipping for two LX upgrades vs. $629 for an L12.)
    Thanks SunByrne. I think you're right. That will be the direction I'll be heading. I'm thrilled with my EX V2s. I'm thinking an L12 or maybe even a LV12M might be in my future. Not sure the LV12M will fit in my space though.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Just outside Pearland, TX

    Default Re: Am I benefiting from having RAAL ribbon speakers?

    The L12 is really good. Rythmik sealed pair extremely well with Ascends.
    Luna Duo V2 LR, Titan Horizon V2, and Rythmik L22 & L12 in HT1; Sierra-LXs in study; S-2EXs and Duo V2 C in bedroom; S-1 NrTs in dining room; S-1s at work; HTM-200s in kitchen. Brother owns CMT-340s and dad has a pair of CBM-170s.

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