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Thread: New: Sierra-2EX V2!!!

  1. #291
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California

    Default Re: New: Sierra-2EX V2!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce Watson View Post
    Can you tell the difference between the sound from the Purifi and Hypex modules? If so, what are you hearing that's different?

    I'm asking because I'm trying to decide on which way to go with a Buckeye Amps three channel. I can't come up with any negatives for either. Both versions are supposed to be scary flat and transparent.

    Asked another way, why not five of one or five of the other in your VTV? Why did you make the 3/2 split?
    I have never compared the different amp channels. I can tell you that I do think the front channels sound a bit more transparent than with my old 20 year old ATi 1505, but that can be wishful thinking.

    VTV doesn't make a 5 channel Purifi amp, neither does Buckeye. I thought about doing a 3-channel amp and a 2-channel amp, but ultimately wanted one-chassis and didn't think I needed to spend extra on Purifi for the surrounds.
    Last edited by curtis; 01-17-2024 at 07:09 AM.

  2. #292
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    May 2015
    Houston, Texas

    Default Re: New: Sierra-2EX V2!!!

    Curtis, curious if you asked either if they could do a custom 5 channel Purifi amp? Maybe using a six channel case with one set of outputs/inputs "blocked" off? Or maybe it's a size or power supply constraint?
    * LG OLED65E6P, BenqHT2050A
    * Anthem AVM90, Rogue ST100, VTV Pascal 7 ch
    * Sierra Towers/Horizon (all ELX RAAL), S2EXv2 surrounds, HTM200SEx4 heights, Rythmik E15HPx2
    * VPI Classic 1+ (VTA & Fatboy Gimbal), PE Eagle/RR, VAS NOVA, Soundsmith Paua, Manley Chinook, Bob's Devices SUT, SugarCube 1 mini
    * Oppo 203 & 103D, EverSolo DMP-A6
    * miniDSP Flex, Audiosensibility & Blue Jeans cables, Symposium & Isoacoustics, GIK
    * For RDJ: Anthem MRX720, Sierra LX, Luna Duo v2 center, CXNv2, TBD

  3. #293
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    Manhattan Beach, California

    Default Re: New: Sierra-2EX V2!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by racrawford65 View Post
    Curtis, curious if you asked either if they could do a custom 5 channel Purifi amp? Maybe using a six channel case with one set of outputs/inputs "blocked" off? Or maybe it's a size or power supply constraint?
    I actually, on a whim, asked Buckeye. Currently no plans, but that might change later in the year.

    I was heading down the path of the newer/higher power Purifi module for the fronts, and the lower power for the surrounds. Then I came to my senses.

  4. #294
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    May 2015
    Houston, Texas

    Default Re: New: Sierra-2EX V2!!!

    LOL. Come on, buy some more new equipment!
    * LG OLED65E6P, BenqHT2050A
    * Anthem AVM90, Rogue ST100, VTV Pascal 7 ch
    * Sierra Towers/Horizon (all ELX RAAL), S2EXv2 surrounds, HTM200SEx4 heights, Rythmik E15HPx2
    * VPI Classic 1+ (VTA & Fatboy Gimbal), PE Eagle/RR, VAS NOVA, Soundsmith Paua, Manley Chinook, Bob's Devices SUT, SugarCube 1 mini
    * Oppo 203 & 103D, EverSolo DMP-A6
    * miniDSP Flex, Audiosensibility & Blue Jeans cables, Symposium & Isoacoustics, GIK
    * For RDJ: Anthem MRX720, Sierra LX, Luna Duo v2 center, CXNv2, TBD

  5. #295
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California

    Default Re: New: Sierra-2EX V2!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by racrawford65 View Post
    LOL. Come on, buy some more new equipment!
    As I have said before, you are a bad influence!

  6. #296
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Default Re: New: Sierra-2EX V2!!!

    The issue with a 5-channel Purifi amp is the actual power supply/wattage.

    For the 1ET400A, you’re talking about being able to handle 400watts/channel or 450 watts at 2ohms. That’s over 2000 watts. That exceeds the safe current limit for a 20 amp line with a 5-20P plug (most home electrical lines are 15 amp rated with a 5-15P). Just because the amplifier is light doesn’t mean it doesn’t require juice. Your circuit breakers would trip if you were approaching the limits (which is highly likely as you would be needing to drive five speakers to ear-bleeding levels). From a practical perspective, you can connect three 1ET400A to a Hypex SMPS 1200A400 so it is cost effective to do a two channel or three channel amplifier with amplifier modules connected to a single switch mode power supply unit and not worrying about whether you draw more than 15 amps.

    This is also the reason why the reason why the 1ET7040SA comes only as a monoblock. It can supply 950 watts at 2 ohms! The 15 amp home line won’t handle 1900 watts safely (not that you would ever draw that much and bust your eardrums… you’d probably blow your speakers first).

    If Buckeye wants to design a multi-channel speaker two separate power connections designed for two separate 20 amp lines……. This is not a practical solution.
    Last edited by bkdc; 01-17-2024 at 11:25 AM.

  7. #297
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    May 2015
    Houston, Texas

    Default Re: New: Sierra-2EX V2!!!

    I believe D-Sonic has options for 2 power connections but their amps are much pricier.
    * LG OLED65E6P, BenqHT2050A
    * Anthem AVM90, Rogue ST100, VTV Pascal 7 ch
    * Sierra Towers/Horizon (all ELX RAAL), S2EXv2 surrounds, HTM200SEx4 heights, Rythmik E15HPx2
    * VPI Classic 1+ (VTA & Fatboy Gimbal), PE Eagle/RR, VAS NOVA, Soundsmith Paua, Manley Chinook, Bob's Devices SUT, SugarCube 1 mini
    * Oppo 203 & 103D, EverSolo DMP-A6
    * miniDSP Flex, Audiosensibility & Blue Jeans cables, Symposium & Isoacoustics, GIK
    * For RDJ: Anthem MRX720, Sierra LX, Luna Duo v2 center, CXNv2, TBD

  8. #298
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    Manhattan Beach, California

    Default Re: New: Sierra-2EX V2!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by bkdc View Post
    The issue with a 5-channel Purifi amp is the actual power supply/wattage.
    I figured it was some sort of power issue.

  9. #299
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Default Re: New: Sierra-2EX V2!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by racrawford65 View Post
    I believe D-Sonic has options for 2 power connections but their amps are much pricier.
    D-Sonic uses Pascal modules, I believe. They offer crazy power but measure worse than Ncore or Purifi, but the poorer measurement does not translate into any audible differences. The state of the art is Bruno Putzey’s offspring (Ncore, NcoreX, Purifi).

    Who the @#$%@#% has a modern speaker needing 1500 watts a piece. (Pascal L-PRO2S running in BTL mode). They are for powering subwoofers. Big ones.

    Edited : BTW, I listened to the D-Sonics about seven years ago…. I don’t think the modules have changed….. and there was an annoying audible hiss heard from 2 feet away. This was the same annoying issue I noticed with older ICEpower amplifiers. I hope things have changed. I LOVE the sound of complete silence from the Purifi’s. I can stick my ear to the driver and hear nothing.
    Last edited by bkdc; 01-29-2024 at 02:31 PM.

  10. #300
    Join Date
    Oct 2021

    Default Re: New: Sierra-2EX V2!!!

    I purchased a 2EX to V2 upgrade kit in December and just got around to doing the upgrade. Honestly I didn't expect much but these Sierras went from my favorite speakers for certain music to wow!

    I also started running them from a vintage Pioneer SX8500ii and wow what a combo! Good detail. Warmth and great bass texture. It just sounds fantastic!!

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