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Thread: Luna as Surrounds mounted horizontally?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2022

    Default Luna as Surrounds mounted horizontally?

    I am looking at the Sierra Towers and Horizon Center. My room has issues for the surround and they have always been mounted much higher than best practice dictates. I am looking at the Lunas for front heights, sides and rears. For the sides and rears the distance to MLP is short so I need to angle then down a bit. Knowing the short vertical dispersion, an I better off mounting then horizontally so that with a small angle the RAAL wide dispersion would hit MLP better, knowing that will cause some reflection off the ceiling, or live with them vertical and be well under the sweet spot for vertical dispersion knowing I would lose out on highs, even when angled down? The front height I would mount vertically as I am 16ft from them and s small angle down would still have me in the sweet spot for dispersion. For some reference my Klipsch RS35 mounted without a tilt Audyessy can't correct as it EQs the highs as high as it can, but is still and issue. I only care abut the 2 seating positions at MLP so everything I do is geared toward that 2 seat position and even that is more tow my position

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2022

    Default Re: Luna as Surrounds mounted horizontally?

    Bumping to get some ideas. Here is m thoughts right now. Sierra RAAL Towners and Horizon front stage. 2 pair of Luna monitors mounts horizontally (space issues) for sides/rears and Sierra 2EX as front heights since consensus is the top speak elevations (bounce) speakers do not doe much, although in my room I am the ideal Dolby candidate for bounce speakers, 8 foot ceiling about 14-15 feet from speakers. My other options, far less disabler is for surrounds go with Emotiva A2+ as they have a ribbon tweeter and I would hope they would sonically be a close match, while not perfect.

    Since my sides and rears are higher than ideal horizontal would all the wide dispersion to encompass my seating, the concern is that now wide vertical dispersion bounces off the ceiling as well. I would angle them down toward ear level.
    Denon X7200WA, Monolith 9X, Dual PSA V1800 subs, Klipsch RP-280F/RS-62ii Front stage, RS-35/25 sides/rears and RP-140SA Elevations.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California

    Default Re: Luna as Surrounds mounted horizontally?

    A few things...

    The tweeter is the Emotiva is not a true ribbon tweeter, it is an AMT and works very differently than the Raal.

    Not all ribbon tweeters sound similar, just like not all soft domes or metal dome tweeters sound similar or have the same timbre.

    There is more to timbre matching than how the tweeter sounds.

    Ascend speakers all timbre match well. Matching Ascend Raal speakers would be best. That said, I would suggest the Sierra-LX as an option, it is well timbre matched, and the tweeter has excellent 360 degree dispersion. Also, I believe the custom SEAS Titan tweeter is an option Tower and Horizon, so that is also something to consider.

  4. #4
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    Jul 2022

    Default Re: Luna as Surrounds mounted horizontally?

    I understand that not all ribbons are alike. What I am looking for is the airy articulate finesse I have heard on some ribbons and know the RAAL will be even better. As I look over the various Ascend speakers the 200s look like a good candidate until you go off axis. Since my room limits my locations I will be vertically off axis a decent amount so that kind of rules them out. The Lunas seem to be (at least from specs) the best due to size and dispersion for sides and rears, but don’t seem to have the umph for the front heights as they will be about 8 feet away. The LX looks like it will want close to 120 watts for the distance and my amp is only 100 watts for surround chanmales which I assume would be enough.
    Denon X7200WA, Monolith 9X, Dual PSA V1800 subs, Klipsch RP-280F/RS-62ii Front stage, RS-35/25 sides/rears and RP-140SA Elevations.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Manhattan Beach, California

    Default Re: Luna as Surrounds mounted horizontally?

    how much output (oomph) do heights need? Is there a spec?

    Do you have a layout of your room you can share?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2022

    Default Re: Luna as Surrounds mounted horizontally?

    Quote Originally Posted by curtis View Post
    how much output (oomph) do heights need? Is there a spec?

    Do you have a layout of your room you can share?

    TV With Amp - small.jpg

    Media Room.png
    Denon X7200WA, Monolith 9X, Dual PSA V1800 subs, Klipsch RP-280F/RS-62ii Front stage, RS-35/25 sides/rears and RP-140SA Elevations.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Houston, Texas

    Default Re: Luna as Surrounds mounted horizontally?

    Are you mostly music or movies? If movies, I'm not so sure how important timbre matching is, particularly for heights/Atmos, as this is usually just effects and not sure if one could hear a difference.

    To address Curtis' question, I don't think there is a spec for height/ATMOS speakers. Most multi-channel AVRs might give 60 wpc for heights/ATMOS.

    Personally, for sides/surrounds/heights, especially if mainly for movies, I don't think one needs to go "overboard" with expensive speakers. The HTM200s work really great for these channels, even paired with RAAL-equipped speakers.
    * LG OLED65E6P, BenqHT2050A
    * Anthem AVM90, Rogue ST100, VTV Pascal 7 ch
    * Sierra Towers/Horizon (all ELX RAAL), S2EXv2 surrounds, HTM200SEx4 heights, Rythmik E15HPx2
    * VPI Classic 1+ (VTA & Fatboy Gimbal), PE Eagle/RR, VAS NOVA, Soundsmith Paua, Manley Chinook, Bob's Devices SUT, SugarCube 1 mini
    * Oppo 203 & 103D, EverSolo DMP-A6
    * miniDSP Flex, Audiosensibility & Blue Jeans cables, Symposium & Isoacoustics, GIK
    * For RDJ: Anthem MRX720, Sierra LX, Luna Duo v2 center, CXNv2, TBD

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California

    Default Re: Luna as Surrounds mounted horizontally?

    Looking at the room setup, I don't think I would be concerned using the HTM-200SE.

    I have used the HTM-200SE as surrounds with Sierra-2's, and now Sierra-LX's, and I don't feel they are lacking for movies or music. That said, I am sure I could better match with Lunas when I had the Sierra-2's. If the Luna's become available with the Titan, I will seriously look at going that route.

  9. #9
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    Jul 2022

    Default Re: Luna as Surrounds mounted horizontally?

    I do mostly movies... BUT, I do listen to hi-rez 2 and multi-channel music. also I was looking at the 200s, but they drop off quickly off vertical axis and since my speaker are higher than I would like (space limitation) I will not be able to directly aim them to my ears, thus the highs will fall off fast. My thinking with Luna was a compact wide dispersion (especially when mounted horizontally) speaker that could function as a good surround and closely match the voicing of the fronts. I would bail on the "elevation" (bounce) speakers and go to front heights, but the Luna may not reach well the 18ish feet to MLP. If the surrounds were ear level the 200s would be perfect.
    Denon X7200WA, Monolith 9X, Dual PSA V1800 subs, Klipsch RP-280F/RS-62ii Front stage, RS-35/25 sides/rears and RP-140SA Elevations.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Default Re: Luna as Surrounds mounted horizontally?

    Quote Originally Posted by hdkeith View Post
    I do mostly movies... BUT, I do listen to hi-rez 2 and multi-channel music. also I was looking at the 200s, but they drop off quickly off vertical axis and since my speaker are higher than I would like (space limitation) I will not be able to directly aim them to my ears, thus the highs will fall off fast. My thinking with Luna was a compact wide dispersion (especially when mounted horizontally) speaker that could function as a good surround and closely match the voicing of the fronts. I would bail on the "elevation" (bounce) speakers and go to front heights, but the Luna may not reach well the 18ish feet to MLP. If the surrounds were ear level the 200s would be perfect.
    How far back will you be sitting from the height speakers and at what height will you be mounting the speakers?

    also I was looking at the 200s, but they drop off quickly off vertical axis and since my speaker are higher than I would like (space limitation) I will not be able to directly aim them to my ears, thus the highs will fall off fast.
    This statement confuses me... The highs on the 200's roll-off very slowly off-axis, this is a dome tweeter and dispersion is rotationally symmetrical. What makes you think the highs roll-off quickly??
    Good Sound To You!

    David Fabrikant

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