I recently received my F15 and just followed the basic setup procedure. I was wondering if anyone had any experience with this setup and if they had any settings or tips they recommended. Which crossover level, damping etc.?
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I recently received my F15 and just followed the basic setup procedure. I was wondering if anyone had any experience with this setup and if they had any settings or tips they recommended. Which crossover level, damping etc.?
What is your setup and usage(Just towers and 1 sub, etc.?)? Associated equipment(Receiver, preamp, amp?)?
I have 2 systems...... 1 for home theater and 1 for music. The HT system has dual Rythmik LV12F ported subs and the music setup has dual F12 sealed subs. I used ported for HT due to the large, open room.
The HT is run by a Denon X3300 AVR with Audyssey XT32. Crossover at 80hz to all speakers, though I have in-wall/in-ceiling Klipsch for that. Set to Low extension (Not the same controls as your sub or my F12's).
My Sealed F12's are crossed at 80hz and so are my Sierra-2EX's. I use a preamp and amp setup with a MiniDSP 2x4HD to integrate, EQ, and crossover the subs. I did room measurements with REW and a UMIK-1 and then setup an EQ curve in REW, which then was exported to a file and then imported into the MiniDSP. Damping is set to high and extension at 14hz.
That's the extreme way to do it! Your usage and system will sort of dictate your course of action.
Last edited by Mag_Neato; 02-22-2022 at 05:33 AM.
* Sierra-2EX's W/V2 crossover upgrade
* (2) Rythmik F12's
* Parasound Halo P6
* Audio by Van Alstine DVA-M225 Monoblock Amps
* MiniDSP 2x4HD For Sub calibration
*World's Best Cables Canare 4S11 speaker cables
I had same questions on your setup/usage as Ed.
That said, I, too, have two setups (HT & Music) although use 2xE15's for both.
For HT, I run the sub out from my MRX720 to miniDSP 10x10, then from miniDSP to LFE in on the Rythmiks. Rumble filter is on (I listen to alot of vinyl), 14 Hz extension, High Damping. For LFE in, as you probably know, cross-over, phase, low pass are inactive. I also have limiter on (so I can use Auto On with the 1 E15 that has the PEQ amp -- I added the 2nd sub later so it has the XLR amp)
For music, I run L/R line out from my Rogue RP5 into the same miniDSP 10x10 then from miniDSP to Line In on the Rythmiks. Same rumble filter, extension, and damping as for HT. Cross-over is at 80, Phase is at 10 o'clock, Low pass at 80/24. I could set the crossovers/filters in the miniDSP but currently just use the controls on the sub amps.
Sub EQ is done in the miniDSP using REW for both HT & Music.
Maybe one of these days I will rerun REW and also deploy Anthem ARC for HT. Likely after I get my AVM70.
* LG OLED65E6P, BenqHT2050A
* Anthem AVM90, Rogue ST100, VTV Pascal 7 ch
* Sierra Towers/Horizon (all ELX RAAL), S2EXv2 surrounds, HTM200SEx4 heights, Rythmik E15HPx2
* VPI Classic 1+ (VTA & Fatboy Gimbal), PE Eagle/RR, VAS NOVA, Soundsmith Paua, Manley Chinook, Bob's Devices SUT, SugarCube 1 mini
* Oppo 203 & 103D, EverSolo DMP-A6
* miniDSP Flex, Audiosensibility & Blue Jeans cables, Symposium & Isoacoustics, GIK
* For RDJ: Anthem MRX720, Sierra LX, Luna Duo v2 center, CXNv2, TBD
My setup is primarily geared for two channel. I have the towers running through a Schiit Freya + preamp, mono Aegirs amps. So no EQ or receiver control in my setup. Using line in from Freya to the F15HP.
Ok, then. Looks like Ed and I have many of the same settings for music. I'd start with the music settings I posted above and see how it sounds to you.
You may need to tweak the phase a bit to integrate the subs/mains in your room. You could also try a lower cross-over (maybe 60 or 70) and different low pass filter settings to see what sounds best to you.
* LG OLED65E6P, BenqHT2050A
* Anthem AVM90, Rogue ST100, VTV Pascal 7 ch
* Sierra Towers/Horizon (all ELX RAAL), S2EXv2 surrounds, HTM200SEx4 heights, Rythmik E15HPx2
* VPI Classic 1+ (VTA & Fatboy Gimbal), PE Eagle/RR, VAS NOVA, Soundsmith Paua, Manley Chinook, Bob's Devices SUT, SugarCube 1 mini
* Oppo 203 & 103D, EverSolo DMP-A6
* miniDSP Flex, Audiosensibility & Blue Jeans cables, Symposium & Isoacoustics, GIK
* For RDJ: Anthem MRX720, Sierra LX, Luna Duo v2 center, CXNv2, TBD
In addition to those great recommendations, I'll add this......
Curtis had a great suggestion how to dial in the phase. While playing a test tone that is the same frequency as the crossover point, with mains and sub playing, run a sound pressure level meter (Rat Shack, REW w/UMIK-1, etc) at the listening position while turning the phase dial and leave the dial at the point that produces the highest SPL. Another person to help would be ideal!
* Sierra-2EX's W/V2 crossover upgrade
* (2) Rythmik F12's
* Parasound Halo P6
* Audio by Van Alstine DVA-M225 Monoblock Amps
* MiniDSP 2x4HD For Sub calibration
*World's Best Cables Canare 4S11 speaker cables
Great add, Ed.
* LG OLED65E6P, BenqHT2050A
* Anthem AVM90, Rogue ST100, VTV Pascal 7 ch
* Sierra Towers/Horizon (all ELX RAAL), S2EXv2 surrounds, HTM200SEx4 heights, Rythmik E15HPx2
* VPI Classic 1+ (VTA & Fatboy Gimbal), PE Eagle/RR, VAS NOVA, Soundsmith Paua, Manley Chinook, Bob's Devices SUT, SugarCube 1 mini
* Oppo 203 & 103D, EverSolo DMP-A6
* miniDSP Flex, Audiosensibility & Blue Jeans cables, Symposium & Isoacoustics, GIK
* For RDJ: Anthem MRX720, Sierra LX, Luna Duo v2 center, CXNv2, TBD
Interesting. Do I need a nice one or could I just buy a cheapish SPL off Amazon to get it done?
You could probably get by with an app downloaded to your phone. I've used Decibel X in a pinch.
Otherwise a relatively inexpensive one of Amazon would be ok (maybe in the $50 range, I'd not go too cheap).
Or, if you have a USB mic, download REW (it's free) which has a built in SPL. If no USB mic, then you'd need a UMIK-1 or Parts Express has a similar one that may be a bit cheaper. The UMIK is around $100 or so and calibrated.
* LG OLED65E6P, BenqHT2050A
* Anthem AVM90, Rogue ST100, VTV Pascal 7 ch
* Sierra Towers/Horizon (all ELX RAAL), S2EXv2 surrounds, HTM200SEx4 heights, Rythmik E15HPx2
* VPI Classic 1+ (VTA & Fatboy Gimbal), PE Eagle/RR, VAS NOVA, Soundsmith Paua, Manley Chinook, Bob's Devices SUT, SugarCube 1 mini
* Oppo 203 & 103D, EverSolo DMP-A6
* miniDSP Flex, Audiosensibility & Blue Jeans cables, Symposium & Isoacoustics, GIK
* For RDJ: Anthem MRX720, Sierra LX, Luna Duo v2 center, CXNv2, TBD
I have a similar 2 channel music setup with Towers and a Rythmik L12 and just went through this same exercise. I followed Ed and Robert's advice on dialing in the phase and crossover settings - it worked great. I will add that finding the best location for the subwoofer in your room will make a big difference on how it sounds and how efficiently it can produce that sound. For a low cost subwoofer placement option you can try the "subwoofer crawl" (google search). If, like Ed and Robert recommended, you have or get a USB mic, a laptop to plug it into and download the free REW software, you can do some room sweeps to find your best subwoofer location. That option is a little more involved but very effective......Jim
Speakers: Sierra Towers w/RAAL, Rythmik L12 sub
Pre/Amp: HK3490 (120w)
Source: Schiit Modi 3+, Tidal HD