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Thread: Sierra 2 sub recommendation request with detailed room diagram

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Cool Sierra 2 sub recommendation request with detailed room diagram

    Howdy ya'll!

    I have a pair of Sierra-2's on order now to replace my NrT towers which have moved to another room. I am debating the best combination of sub(s) for 90% music in a 2.x configuration. The big question is whether a pair of L12's will suit my needs versus an F15 or the like. Please see this diagram of the room: office layout.pdf

    The audio signal "chain" will look like this:
    iMac --> Schiit Modi Multibit DAC --> Schiit Asgard 2 phono/preamp --> MiniDSP 2×4 --> Low pass filter --> Rhythmik sub(s) +-> High pass filter --> Emotiva A300 --> Sierra 2

    Previously I ran an Outlaw LFM-1 EX with the towers and loved it. After some moving things around the sub took up too much space in my office so I sold it.

    I like my bass articulate and accurate. Digging deep is good (Burial!) but I opt for tight over deep if forced to make a choice. Best would be both of course! My budget doesn't quite allow for a pair of F12's at the moment. It's possible that may change in the future, in which case a single F12 to start with might make sense.

    If you were me, what would you do?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Default Re: Sierra 2 sub recommendation request with detailed room diagram

    Don't forget that you get 150 bucks off if you order two F12's at once, so you may want to wait until you can get both of them if you go that route. I haven't heard the other subs so I'll wait for others to chime in, but if you're going to use the mini DSP for EQ then you can probably just go with the L12's as you won't need all of the PEQ functions on the F12 amp.

    Just for clarity's sake, the Asgard 2 is not a phono preamp, it just has a normal pre-out from it. Keep in mind that the Asgard 2 is fully Class A, so it runs pretty hot. I would not want it within a couple inches of my monitor. If I were you, I would go with the Magni 2 Uber to match the modi, especially if you don't plan on using headphones normally. The top of the Asgard 2 gets so hot when it's on that you can't keep your hand on it for more than a few seconds. Warm and toasty Class A there for ya, the chassis is the heatsink for it. The Magni does not run hot at all, it's a Lin amp, much more efficient. If you need a phono preamp for a turntable you'll have to get the Mani and a Sys to use as an input selector.

    Also, fantastic job on the layout PDF! Looks great! The room treatments should work out well!
    Last edited by sludgeogre; 10-29-2016 at 09:50 PM.
    PS4/Nvidia Shield --> Emotiva XMC-1 --> Emotiva XPA-5 --> Ascend Acoustics Sierra Towers and Horizon Center w/ RAAL tweeters (L/C/R), HTM-200 SE (Surrounds), 2x Rythmik F12 subwoofers

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Default Re: Sierra 2 sub recommendation request with detailed room diagram

    F12 and L12 are both great. If you aren't going to play bass heavy movies at really high volumes and you want a sub with the smallest floor space, take a look at the F8. It does extremely well with music.

  4. #4
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    Oct 2012

    Default Re: Sierra 2 sub recommendation request with detailed room diagram

    Floor space is a factor but not a huge one. I prefer to avoid room modes than save square footage. That said I am limited for positioning of the sub(s) to the corners. Hopefully room treatments and the MiniDSP (with the mike!) will correct for this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Default Re: Sierra 2 sub recommendation request with detailed room diagram

    I'm using a single F12 SE with my Sierra 2's in my studio / listening room. Have it in one of the corners next to my mixing desk.

    It works quite well (am using it 2.1)

    I cross over at about 55 and it just fills in a tad of the low end without competing with the Sierras. Love how adjustable this sub is.

    I run most of my stuff through Optical to a Bifrost with Multibit upgrade and a Plinius Integrated Amp, so somewhat similar setup / chain to yours.

  6. #6
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    Manhattan Beach, California

    Default Re: Sierra 2 sub recommendation request with detailed room diagram

    Quote Originally Posted by Jaybeez View Post

    I cross over at about 55 and it just fills in a tad of the low end without competing with the Sierras.
    Why make the Sierras work so hard when you have a great sub? Have you tried crossing higher? I cross at 80hz with a F15HP and detect no advantage crossing any lower.

  7. #7
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    SouthWest of Cleveland

    Default Re: Sierra 2 sub recommendation request with detailed room diagram

    Quote Originally Posted by Jaybeez View Post
    I'm using a single F12 SE with my Sierra 2's in my studio / listening room. Have it in one of the corners next to my mixing desk.

    It works quite well (am using it 2.1)

    I cross over at about 55 and it just fills in a tad of the low end without competing with the Sierras. Love how adjustable this sub is.

    I run most of my stuff through Optical to a Bifrost with Multibit upgrade and a Plinius Integrated Amp, so somewhat similar setup / chain to yours.
    I started a thread asking about the Bifrost Multibit here:
    Please add your experience with it there!

    * Sierra-2EX's W/V2 crossover upgrade
    * (2) Rythmik F12's
    * Parasound Halo P6
    * Audio by Van Alstine DVA-M225 Monoblock Amps
    * MiniDSP 2x4HD For Sub calibration
    *World's Best Cables Canare 4S11 speaker cables

  8. #8
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    Feb 2016

    Default Re: Sierra 2 sub recommendation request with detailed room diagram

    Quote Originally Posted by curtis View Post
    Why make the Sierras work so hard when you have a great sub? Have you tried crossing higher? I cross at 80hz with a F15HP and detect no advantage crossing any lower.
    I originally had crossover set at 80, but felt there was too much bass overall, and the sub seemed to be competing with the Sierras in the mid-bass range. For me, the lower crossover makes the Sierras shine, and the sub only adds the very low end. I typically listen at about 85 dB and this all sounds good to my ears. I may set it at 80 again and mess a bit with the gain, per your suggestion.

  9. #9
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    Manhattan Beach, California

    Default Re: Sierra 2 sub recommendation request with detailed room diagram

    Quote Originally Posted by Jaybeez View Post
    I originally had crossover set at 80, but felt there was too much bass overall, and the sub seemed to be competing with the Sierras in the mid-bass range. For me, the lower crossover makes the Sierras shine, and the sub only adds the very low end. I typically listen at about 85 dB and this all sounds good to my ears. I may set it at 80 again and mess a bit with the gain, per your suggestion.
    Ahh...I'm guessing the Sierras are getting a full range signal and not high passed?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Default Re: Sierra 2 sub recommendation request with detailed room diagram

    Quote Originally Posted by curtis View Post
    Why make the Sierras work so hard when you have a great sub? Have you tried crossing higher? I cross at 80hz with a F15HP and detect no advantage crossing any lower.
    I agree, i highly recommend setting the HPF at 80hz, for the Sierra2s. I personally get all kinds of port noise on a couple of tracks if I set the HPF to 60hz or below.

    Out of curiosity which filters are you using for the HPF/LPF?

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