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Thread: Sierra Tower vs. Martin Logan Motion 40

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Default Sierra Tower vs. Martin Logan Motion 40


    I currently own the Motion 40s from Martin Logan and was curious if anyone has compared these two speakers before or could give some insight on which would have better SQ./performance.

    I currently am able to return the Motion 40s and grab the Sierra Towers.

    The listening room is a small 12x12x8, not perfectly square. My receiver is a Denon X4100 and UM-18 (DIY) subs. There are currently 5 acoustic panels, but I have several more I haven't put up yet. Still making lots of changes.

    I would say I listen to both music and movies pretty equally. I'm not that critical of a music listener, but appreciate great sound. I just like to listen to music, not critic it. All channels are crossed at 80hz, except the front heights, which are 120hz. I don't currently have rear surrounds installed, but I ordered a pair of bookshelves to test them out. So that means I have a 7.2 system, with only one pair of surrounds.

    If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    NW Pennsylvania

    Default Re: Sierra Tower vs. Martin Logan Motion 40

    I haven't heard the Motion 40s but I did listen to the Motion 10s in my room. I preferred my Sierra-1s midrange and bass. I liked the sound of cymbals on them but they got tiring after some time.

    I think the Sierra Towers would sound much better than the Motion 40s.

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