OK here it goes.

The Beatles- Revolver
I could have gone with Zappa, Hendrix, Dylan and others.

Miles Davis- Bitches Brew, Complete Set
The most difficult catagory for me There is just so much good stuff out there.

J.S.Bach -The 6 cello Sonatas
Pablo Casals 1959 recording an extraordinary interpretation. I believe this was his third recording of these Sonatas

Lee Sratch Perry-Black Ark Experryments
The legenddary producer/performer of Reggae and Dub

Billie Holiday- Lady in Satin
This is Billie with an orchestra in 1959. A very personal favorite of mine. Every song that she sings on this album just rips at my heart. Her voice Crackles and breaks every now and then,and she will slur some of her words. Even with these technical difficulties her interpretive skill is at its best. This is one album I will never be without.