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Thread: 170's vs. Von Schweikert VR-1's

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Default 170's vs. Von Schweikert VR-1's


    NAD C350 integrated AMP.
    Apple Airport Express listening to AAC's at 192k.
    Atlantic Technology 10-inch, 150-watt sealed sub, X-over about 60hz.

    I chose the $328-list Ascend's as better than the $1100-list VR-1's.

    I keep thinking I'm missing something or I'm screwed up could I choose a speaker that costs 1/3rd the price of the other?

    I will say that the VR-1's have a bit bigger sound stage...they sound a bit more "holographic"...and I'd say they might be more accurate and quick...they also have a beautiful finish, and workmanship is impeccable (the 170's are built well too) but I am more engaged by the Ascend's...I just like listening to them that some color or inaccuracies they are introducing that I happen to like? Perhaps, but I doubt it.

    The 170's have a more engaging, silky and "present" midrange...very pleasing to listen to...I can listen to them for hours without becoming bored or fatigued. Female voices are SO sweet and smooth.

    I found an article that compared these two very speakers...the guy was VERY impressed by both pairs...they both far outperformed their price classes, but said the VR-1's were somewhat better:

    He says the VR-1's are more "gutsy", and the Ascends sound "leaner"...I actually found the opposite to be true...I am listening to both pairs with a sub...maybe the sub makes up for the "leanness" of the Ascends? But you'd think the sub would help the VR-1's just as much.

    As much as I like the 170's, I'm exchanging them for the 340's...Dave says the sound stage is bigger, and of course there is more bass...should be PERFECT.

    But if the 170's were the speakers that fit my budget, they would be GREAT speakers to spend a few years with.

    I've listened to quite a few speakers over the years...some in the distant past:

    Paradigm Studio 20's
    Paradigm Active 20's
    PSB Alphas (great for the price)
    Mirage $800 floor standing (can't remember the model)
    Magepans (can't remember the model)
    Von Schweikert VR-3's...nice
    Spendor S3/5's...stunning...maybe a bit better than the 170's (cost = $1000)
    Energy Take 5.2 w/HSU VTF-2 Mk-II (in my theater now)
    NHT's of various vintages (1.5, 2.5, 2.9)...too neutral and flat for me

    A few others I can't think of.

    I like warm, mellow, tube-like, engaging and smooth sound...I don't like a lot of treble or "hardness" (NHT).

    All these speakers are decent/good and would dissapoint almost no one, but the 170's beat all of these speakers in the mids and highs except maybe the Spendors, and they do it at a fraction of the cost.

    I'm impressed!
    Last edited by wsalopek; 09-20-2005 at 07:07 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California


    How did I miss this?

    Great write-up.....enjoy!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Syracuse, New York


    Quote Originally Posted by curtis
    How did I miss this?
    I missed it too. Thanks for the write-up wsa.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Minnesota, US


    Hmm, and I missed it as well...great review. Looking forward to your write-up on the 340's!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Great review and thank you!!!
    Good Sound To You!

    David Fabrikant

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005


    Love to hear your thoughts on the 170 vs 340's.

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