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Thread: upgraders

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California

    Default upgraders

    I read a lot of the other forums, and I notice people that are constantly upgrading.

    Granted, I upgraded from CBM-170's to CMT-340's about 2 years ago, and I have upgraded my electronics a few times.....two receivers, seperate amp, pre/pro, and additional amp. My sub has not changed either.

    I read about guys changing speakers three or four times in the same span I have had mine.

    As far as speakers are concerned, I don't find myself lusting for somethingelse or feel a need for a change......I am quite happy as it is. That isn't to say I'm not going to change. I guess I have heard enough stuff, and haven't found anything I can afford that warrants a upgrade.

    What do you guys think? Are you always looking at other stuff?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Nope, I'm not always searching for an upgrade. I think the whole upgrade obsession is mainly a personality thing, but having nice sounding speakers doesn't hurt. I probably would have moved to 340 mains, but I love my special 170s too much.

    I have things I would like to do (just did the projector, want to EQ the sub, maybe pre/pro and amp sometime). I am interested in trying different things in my two-channel setup sometime (maybe a tube pre-amp or different speakers). Less upgrading and more trying things out.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    With HT and DVD-A/SACD having become a major hobby (and money pit), I'm always on the lookout for better technology. I'm completely happy with everything I have right now, and the only thing I would change if I had a bigger budget would be Paradigm Signature S2s. Since they're way out of my budget, I'm perfectly happy and satisfied with my 170s which are atleast 90% as good.

    When I started piecing together a setup I set expectations and made a list of things I could live without. Surprisingly, I met or exceeded all my expectations in every area. Amazing performance/value from my 170s, 950 pre/pro, and BFD pEQ. Other items cost me more than I expected (Amp & Subs), but I discovered through auditioning that my expectations rose higher than originally planned. The original budget was kept though due to the savings reaped from the above mentioned values.

    Keeping those same guidelines when it comes to upgrades, I've yet to see a new pre/pro, amp, sub, etc that seriously gives me a case of the "gimme gimmies". That will change with the release of HD-DVD/Blu-Ray though...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Syracuse, New York


    Quote Originally Posted by BradJudy
    Less upgrading and more trying things out.
    That's pretty much how I look at it. Every hobby seems to be the same way. I've bought most of my bikes from people who were buying the latest and greatest. Putting a carbon fiber rear triangle on an aluminum bicycle frame does nothing but lighten the wallet considerably but it's been a big success nonetheless.
    I also think that these forums add a tremendous amount of support for upgraditus. I'm fascinated by the AV123 Forum even though I don't own any of their products. I wouldn't want our forum to go in that direction but each forum seens to reflect the respective CEO so there isn't much chance of that.
    This is at the top of my current upgraditus.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    SouthWest of Cleveland


    I only look for something new if I feel my current setup is lacking in a way I can't live with. when I moved to the 170's it was because my B&W 602's were just not right with a lot of my ears.

    When I went from a Marantz Digital-ready receiver to the Outlaw 1050 it was because I was not happy with the Marantz' music sound, and I wanted better bass management and dts.

    The only area I feel the need to improve is my subwoofer. It does most things very well. I had the chance to hear a highly regarded sub and was impressed by the definition of the bass notes. Now I understand the term "accurate bass" and am determined to have it.

    * Sierra-2EX's W/V2 crossover upgrade
    * (2) Rythmik F12's
    * Parasound Halo P6
    * Audio by Van Alstine DVA-M225 Monoblock Amps
    * MiniDSP 2x4HD For Sub calibration
    *World's Best Cables Canare 4S11 speaker cables

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Thumbs up

    Upgraditis hit me occasionally, the last round being the purchase of my Ascends. Though my Polks were only 5 years old, I felt the need to change them out. They served us very well during their term, I even rebuilt all their crossovers, switching out iron core inductors for air core, as well as Solen Poly caps and Mills resistors. I LIKE to tweak electronics, so I'm open to using a soldering iron if it calls for it. The component I've upgraded the most has been receivers. I started with a Sony STR-DE895, then to a Sony STR-DA1ES, and finally have stopped (for now), with my Denon 3803. I've changed receivers mainly to take advantage of the newer decoding technologies.

    While I would like to replace my Sony bigscreen with something with HD capabilities, I'm waiting it out till digital transmission becomes mandatory. We still watch quite a bit of programming that is Standard Def, and when watching it on a 53" full screen, it looks great, much better than when you watch in on a HD set, with either bars or the full screen widening effect.
    I've tweaked the Sony so much, that it still looks great. I open it up every 6 months and clean the lenses, and the mirror if it needs it.

    In a few years, the LCD and DLP units should finally be able to reproduce black levels as good or better than the CRT units, plus the prices come down more and more to a reasonable level. Of course, with the new HD DVD coming up soon, I will be tempted to go to HD sooner. My wife will see to it that I don't!
    Feel Free to visit my website:
    The Bailey's Home Theatre in Our Living Room

    Equipment List:
    Hitachi 57F59 HD CRT RPTV
    Outlaw 990/7125 PrePro/Amp
    Panasonic BD10 Blu-Ray Player
    Mains: Ascend CMT-340M
    Center: Ascend CMT-340C
    Surrounds: Ascend CBM-170
    Sub: SVS 25-31PC

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California


    I am in the Brad/bikeman camp. I would like to try different things, but don't feel compelled to spend money or "got to have".

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Phoenix, AZ


    When I first got serious about acquiring an HT system,
    I spent months researching the different elements that
    would comprise it (speakers, receiver or pre/pro, amps,
    DVD player, display etc.). I started thinking very modestly.
    The first speakers I looked into started with the letter "B".

    Long story short, it was over a year before I felt like I knew
    enough about any of it to make an informed decision. Then I
    went out and purchased everything, and haven't felt a single
    moment of buyer's remorse. I also haven't experienced
    upgraditis since. I look at my year-long research odyssey
    as a period of "virtual upgraditis"!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Charter Oak, Iowa


    For some, it seems that upgraditis is a REAL disease and an apparent addiction with tens of thousands spent on the quest for the ultimate system. As with any hobby there will always be a next step I guess. I enjoy listening to other gear but here in Timbuctu, Iowa I don't get much opportunity. If I have a hankering to listen to different stuff then I'll probably have to buy it. What is interesting, tho, is that what speakers I have heard outside the Ascend lineup only reaffirms how great the Ascends really are.


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