Need some serious help or I am going to need to sell these and I do NOT want to do that. I purchased a pair of ELX Raal towers a month ago from Dina. I still have or have owned S1 NRT, S2, S2EXv2 (one of my favorite speakers ever) and now the end game ELX. I have tinnitus so I try to keep my listening levels right at 78 to 80 dbs with peaks into the low 80's. However my problem is ever since the ELX have arrived my wife complains that I am playing music too loud. She has never complained before. I mean there was the rare occasion when I would get carried away but that was intentional and the volume was turned up. What's happening now is happening at my normal 78db's and the problem is when I lower the volume to 75 or below, the ELX towers lose all of their life, energy and excitement.

My listening room is my home office and it is 9 x 13. My amp is a Sugden IA4 class A solid state putting out 33 watts. I traded in the S2 EXV2 for the ELX and my wife never complained about the S2 EXv2's being too loud.

My question is can anyone offer advice on how to not lose the life out of the ELX when listening at lower volumes i.e. 65 to 75 max dbs? Or is the AMP pairing just not enough to drive them at lower volumes? For what its worth I only need to turn the volume up 1/4 of the way and I can hot 75dbs, so there is plenty of power left.

Any help or advice appreciated.
