Hello dear David/Dina/distinguished forum members,

I’m a music lover who decided to build a simple and decent 2-ch system. I ended up buying a Marantz 40n integrated and ELX ribbon towers. I don’t wish to go into the virtues of either of these components here; but I’m extremely happy with both and would wholeheartedly recommend them.

Today I would like to ask you all about cable recommendations. I know it’s unlikely anyone has auditioned this amp/speaker combo with different cables, but I’ve done a lot of research (within the constraints of my scientific understanding) and can share with you some pertinent information that could help narrow it down a bit.

In terms of the amp, impedance at loudspeaker output is given as 0.1ohms (0.05-0.06ohm, as measured by Hifi News), and damping factor is stated as “over 100”, although Soundstage Network measured it “230, constant across the audio band”.

In terms of the towers, I will assume impedance and phase curves are known.

Now, on to cables. Each channel requires 15ft lengths. I currently make use of a pair of the entry level Transparent Audio The Wave 14AWG cables; y’know, the ones that look like they’re digesting a small mouse.

The sound is fine, but I can’t get over the fact every time I sit in front of them I feel, well, scammed. Me not likes that.

So I reckon it might be best if I sold them, bought some 10 or 12 AWG Blue Jeans or equivalent and mitigate the loss of $500 while having a better cable, even if only theoretically so.

Could anyone shed some light on this, based on the data? I would like to determine the best pairing of THIS amp with THESE towers so that not only impedance but also phase and frequency response of these awesome speakers are not inadvertently compromised, risk oscillation issues, etc

Many thanks in advance!