I am looking at the Sierra Towers and Horizon Center. My room has issues for the surround and they have always been mounted much higher than best practice dictates. I am looking at the Lunas for front heights, sides and rears. For the sides and rears the distance to MLP is short so I need to angle then down a bit. Knowing the short vertical dispersion, an I better off mounting then horizontally so that with a small angle the RAAL wide dispersion would hit MLP better, knowing that will cause some reflection off the ceiling, or live with them vertical and be well under the sweet spot for vertical dispersion knowing I would lose out on highs, even when angled down? The front height I would mount vertically as I am 16ft from them and s small angle down would still have me in the sweet spot for dispersion. For some reference my Klipsch RS35 mounted without a tilt Audyessy can't correct as it EQs the highs as high as it can, but is still and issue. I only care abut the 2 seating positions at MLP so everything I do is geared toward that 2 seat position and even that is more tow my position

Thanks in advance.