I did the Duo upgrade today (LCR for my HT setup). If anyone out there is worried about doing it yourself, don't—it's very straightforward. As someone noted in the Luna thread, there's a LOT more damping material. You do have to press the woofers into it, but it's not difficult.

The results are also quite something—it's a little more dramatic than I expected. I mean, I expected them to be better, but the difference is a bit more stark than I thought it would be.

Honestly, I've always thought the Duos were good, but not quite the "Ascend wow" feeling I have for the Sierra bookshelves. I always figured it's because they're so small, and you have to give something up because of the size—and not just bass extension. I was kind of hoping they'd sound like 2EXs (but with less bass), and they didn't quite get there for me.

The V2s, however, get there.

Immediately noticeable improvement, even just with dialog. And with music, well, now they sound on par with my other Ascend setups. Pretty amazing what new crossovers and more damping can accomplish.

Fantastic work, Dave, and thank you for making the upgrade so affordable!

Side note: Dave having a Klippel is paying off for us customers and then some. The Duos are markedly improved and the LXs are simply amazing. I cannot wait to see what Dave is cooking up next!