I just recently purchased an Outlaw Audio 5000X amplifier and have it hooked up in my system. I'm using a pair of Sierra Towers and a Horizon Center all with RAAL ribbon tweeters. Everything works and sounds good for the most part.

The only issue I have is that if I put my ear up to the RAAL 70-20xram ribbon tweeters in any of my speakers, they are making a low level buzz that isn't present when switching back to using just my Yamaha TSR-7810 internal amplifier.

I have ruled out any sort of grounding issue as the light buzz is present in all speakers even without any other connections made to the amplifier, aside from the required power and wiring out to the speakers. It is present in all 5 channels. The buzz does not increase or decrease in volume when the other pre-outs & ground connections are made. But as I said, the buzz is audible without any source connections to the amplifier. Is this normal behavior for an amplifier with 29x gain connected to the ribbon tweeters in my Ascend speakers? The buzz is only audible with my ear right up against the tweeters.

I wanted to know if this is expected or normal behavior for this type of setup before I contact Outlaw. I figured fellow owners of the Towers/Horizon with RAAL ribbon tweeters may have the most insight. Any help would be appreciated.