Quote Originally Posted by racrawford65 View Post
Nice review, Ted.
So tempted to order a pair but currently need to resist spending more money on A/V equipment as I recently picked up a Degritter (very impressed by this machine and how well it cleans vinyl) and ordered a SPEC AP-UD1 turntable "mat" from Japan which should be here next week.
Thanks Robert,

This "Audio Hobby" seems never ending, huh!

Other than the Sierra-2EX acquisition, these Morrow Cables have made the most substantial sonic improvements in my current 2.1 stereo presentation for these past ten years!! Suffice to say, They REALLY show what the Sierra-2EX are capable of as True Studio Monitors!

As long as the CD player (30 years old) and the Pre/Power Amps (12 years old) continue to perform and not fall apart, I might dare upgrade to some of the Morrow Interconnect Cables for my analog components! With a 60-day Trial period and Lifetime guarantee, nothing to loose but a few more coins, huh!!
