We are most pleased to publish Sierra-2EX Klippel NFS Measurements.

The Klippel NFS is a fully automated robotic measurement device that uses advanced technologies to achieve true full-range exceptionally high-resolution directivity measurements that are considerably more accurate than anything else currently available. These measurements allow for a deep peek into the performance of any speaker.

For more information about this device, please see here:



The following measurements took ~ 6 hours and used 4800 individual measurements (1600 different microphone positions) to achieve ~ 99.5% accuracy. There are 20 data points per octave to conform to CEA-2034 standards. The measurement at each of the 1600 different microphone positions was taken 3 times and averaged together to improve the signal to noise ratio further enhancing accuracy.

The key points that these measurements reveal is the remarkably wide and linear horizonal dispersion as seen in the contour plot (+/- 80 degs!), as well as the excellent estimated in-room response. The directivity index in the CEA-2034 plot shows extremely tight integration between our EX woofer and the RAAL ribbon. These measurements also match up well with our original published measurements but are more accurate as there is no time gating or smoothing.


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