Quote Originally Posted by davef View Post
No, not without extensive cabinet modification. It is not even close.

The measurement you are referring to is not what should be used to compare to our published measurements. Under the same test conditions (production line measurements as opposed to lab generated measurements) where the microphone height and loudspeaker height is fixed and not at the ideal height, our Sierra Ribbon Towers generally exhibit the same slight rise. You should not be the least bit concerned about a 1.8dB deviation from dead flat between 15kHz-20Khz, there is not a tweeter manufacturer in existence (including RAAL) that can keep to a +/- 0.9dB tolerance in this frequency range and frankly, it isn’t necessary to do so as it would dramatically drive up costs.

Ricardo, it is important to understand that when a manufacturer formally publishes measurements, they always use a completed speaker that measures the best or the closest to average. They pick the woofers, tweeters, and crossovers out of many hundreds of units (or thousands) that best represent the average, as this should result in the most accurate published measurement. You are looking at a raw measurement, where we don't yet have the ability to establish the "average" for the components used, simply because there are only 2 of each of the components used in existence.

I can assure you that when we receive all of the Sierra-2 components, and we are then able to measure several hundred and establish an average for each component, our formal measurements for publication will likely look even better. The speakers won't sound any different, as there is not a human being alive that could actually hear a deviation in the frequency range you mention.

Confusion / concern like this is one of the reasons I generally don't like to post any measurements until the final product is in production, or at least until we receive volume quantities of the components being used.

Hope this makes sense!
No worries Dave. We all dont know what the upgrade will be so whatever we discuss are just all talk.
Sounds like though, that the raal may not be a candidate which could be a good thing in terms of cost for the end user.
As with the recent graph you recently posted, im not concern one bit, i was just making a reference.
Seriously we all cant wait for the real thing to come out.