so, i FINALLY have a chance to hook up my ascends as speakers for a "home theatre" (meaning, i'm home for the summer and have room to put a tv in, as opposed to my room at school where i barely had any room, so i was just using them for music), and they sound GREAT. anyways... i don't have a real center channel speaker yet, so i hooked up one of the small satellite speakers that came with my old RCA combo stereo thing (you know, one of those cheaper systems that has everything in one box). needless to say, the dialogue when watching movies isn't always as loud as i would like, since the ascends drown it out during some scenes.

would hooking both of these smaller satellite speakers to the center channel help at all with this? right now, i'm not using the other one for anything, and i thought having two of them acting as the center channel may help, but i don't know if hooking both speakers up to the same terminals would be a good idea...

any help on this would be greatly appreciated. (and yeh, i know a real center speaker would be the ideal way to go, but at the moment i don't have 300 bones to throw down for the 340SEc. i'm planning to get one for x-mas, or later in the summer depending on how well i budget my money.)
