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Thread: trigger happy

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California


    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">Originally posted by Steve Ozmai

    Should you actually care to know the reason for the Risers, you would find out that these were created specifically at the request of several RS 750 owners for reasons not isolated specifically to sonic improvement. The most notable of these is stability. The 750 is a fairly narrow speaker with a somewhat small footprint. As a result, our customers with this speaker on a high-pile carpeting, or with dogs, children, high traffic areas, or other reasons for concern tend to need something with a slightly larger platform. Rather than create 2 accessories - like many companies have done ("outrigger" supports and stands) - we created the Risers to solve a couple issues simultaneously. We've never spoken, though you seem to know what I'm thinking before even myself. However, had you actually called me on this one, you would have learned that in many instances I will advise against the 750 Risers depending on the room environment. They are certainly not necessary for everyone, and are not "needed" to improve the 750 anymore than an Ascend customer MUST have wall mounts and speaker cable.
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    Steve, Christian, oontahey, and Sean,

    I will buy into the analogy of add-ons to improve sound. Your point is taken.

    I worked in a shoe store when I was in high school, and we tried to sell as much as we could after the shoes to improve the business/make more money, but it didn't make the shoes any better.

    Steve's quote above is good example of being honest and upfront with the customer. But the webpage I do not think is honest and upfront. The webpage is the first point of contact.


  2. #82
    Join Date
    Dec 2003


    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">One simple question, have either one of you even HEARD any Rocket product. EVER???<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    No. I hadn't heard the Ascends either when I was shopping for new 5.1 setup. I'll tell you exactly what I did. I read many many threads at AVS Inc, threads at a few independant websites like av123 and here, reviews from customers at, and independ reviews that were conducted on similarily priced speakers. As a busy person who doesnt have the time to buy all of these, and demo them for myself, I was forced to rely on a consensus opinion.

    I came very close to purchasing a Rocket package in early December, but quite frankly the price stopped me. I was also looking hard at Axioms. I had actually found 2 or 3 actual comparisons from folks who had tried the RS150/250s vs cbm170 and they all said the same thing; better mids/higs on the 170s, better lows on the rockets. Now i'll admit right here, those opinions dont necessarily make that fact, but frankly, I like the odds. Now, had I made my purchase decision during that big sale, I probably would have gone with the rockets, cause i could probably give up a little high end fidelity for that beautiful wood finish. But to pay more for a speaker without equal performance at the high end, sorry i cant do that.

    Having not demoed anything, do you think I bought a great speaker for what I paid?

    Know what i'd do if i were buying today? I would probably call us the folks who sell rockets (sorry dont know business name), and ask em if I can pay the christmas price for a 5.1 setup. If they said no, it wouldn't hurt my feelings a bit. Ascend would get my money. As MLS has already told me once, they sell plenty at the regular price. More power to ya MLS.


  3. #83
    Join Date
    Feb 2004


    Hey Azanon, in this thread you said that your speakers were wonderful right out of the box. Could you please explain this...

    To each his own, but that does suck. Perhaps the problem lies in his overall setup rather than a single component (be it speakers or receiver settings). Just ask azanon how much difference a short calibration session can make. :-)

    Edited by - ClutchBrake on 01/18/2004 10:31:04 PM

    or this?

    Oh and Jake may want to take a read too as it seems that after doing a bit of tweeking and such with the Ascends, they were able to lick the problem and the sound is much better now. I am glad they were able to fix it without getting NASA to provide them with the Big dipper co-ordinates.


  4. #84
    Join Date
    Jan 2004


    That's a good point Curtis, about "not making the shoes any better." When I heard the Linn put on a stand the guy next to me couldn't hear a difference...shrugged his shoulders and was like "whatever..." I could swear I did. Who's right? We both were.

    I hope my speakers shipped today! My sub did.

  5. #85
    Join Date
    Dec 2003


    What's a receiver problem have to do with speakers, Christain? I was, and still am, using a 200 dollar Sony Receiver. Surely, that is self-explanatory, eh?

    My issues with my system, christain, were predominately an overpowering, booming sub, per that thread (did you read it?). In short, i had the gain too high, LOL. Not exactly planetary aligment.

  6. #86
    Join Date
    Feb 2004


    Well the "Muffled 750" thread was a reciever problem too, but that dosent seem to matter too much...

  7. #87
    Join Date
    Feb 2004


    Wow. You know, to be honest, Curtis, we may as well start another thread with the things that AV123 is not allowed to do, but that every other company MUST do to succeed. I'll begin compiling now...

    1) Run promotions and/or sales
    2) Discount any item for any reason
    3) Make any claims on any product about "improved" performance of any kind
    4) Sell a product
    5) And last, but definitely not least, make money...GASP - he said it!

    Seriously, Curtis, now you're just digging for things to pick at. Are you actually upset that the text on our Risers indicates an improvement when used with our speakers? You have got to be kidding me. I'll promptly change the text to...

    RS 750 Risers - Please do not purchase these. Move on now.

    Steve Ozmai

  8. #88
    Join Date
    Dec 2003


    Point taken. But still we're way out of context. Jake and I just found similar humor in MLS's suggestions. Nothing more. ha ha ha. breathe in, breathe out, ok???

    Feel like we're beating a dead horse now.

  9. #89
    Join Date
    Feb 2004


    I just read your post above azanon, I have not heard them before, but I can tell you that after reading comments from NON ascend owners over at AV123, then I can honestly say that for the price that they charge for speakers that sound like the ascends do(ive heard through the grapevine) that you absolutely made a fantastic choice, and have wonderful SOUNDING speakers at a wonderful price.


    P.S. I too have wonderful value in my Rockets!

  10. #90
    Join Date
    Feb 2004


    Agreed, dead horse!!! Lets stop and have a beer! In all seriousness, if anyone is around atlanta that will let me listen, i would love to hear them first hand.


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