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Thread: Just Placed My order

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Edmonton, Alberta Canada


    Quote Originally Posted by curtis
    That's because it's not hype. The Ascend crowd is pretty understated and knows what they have.

    Atleast you did say, " I can't wipe the smile off my face." ....hehehe
    Hi Bri - just read your review and it brought a lot of memories and a big smile to my face. I did 'almost' the same thing as you with my Polk RT800i floorstanders, except I did A/B them. That lasted all of 5 minutes - the 340's were far far superior in everything except bass extension - the 800's do go lower, but that's not necessarily a good thing when (compared to the Ascend) it was all muddy.

    Among the many factors that steered me towards Ascend, Curtis's quote above was one of the main factors. You won't read a of stuff about Ascend at other forums other than "why don't you try Ascend". I'm doing my best on other forums to follow this rather unwritten law, as I don't want to be seen as a 'shill' for Ascend. This is what you see with some other on-line companies - when their speaker gets run down, a bunch of them 'freak out', when (I can't really remember a real 'negative' review on the Ascends though to be hones) Ascend is brought up in a negative light, 95% of the time the owners of the product just kinda shrug, we know what we have and we don't have to justify the product or our purchasing decision to anyone.

    The worst part is - it only gets better. If you don't have one - get a universal player and play some DVD-A's or SACD's, it will blow you away!

    Congrats Bri!!!!

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    Definetly check out some dvd-a/sacd but be fore-warned, once you do, 2ch redbooks will never be the same!

    Glad to hear you're enjoying your setup!

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    Sorry Curtis, I thought you said it, but again I was mistaken.

    As for Universal players, I just don't think it's in the cards right now. I have been upgrading for about 6 or 7 months now with a new amp/receiver - subwoofers, speakers. If I get a new universal player, it means a ton of new material as well, because I have none. I am definitely intrigued, but I think I might have to put that off until next year when I upgrade the video portion of my setup. The damn money tree in the backyard won't produce. And besides that, the wife factor is starting to come into play. "Aren't you ever going to be done upgrading...?" She just doesn't understand...try and try as I may.

    Thanks guys for your comments. Appreciate them.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California


    You can get into the DVD-A/SACD game relatively inexpensively.

    I got a nice taste of SACD's and DVD-A's with the relative inexpensive Pioneer 563a (now replaced by the 578a)....they can be had on eBay for as little as $50....I paid $179 for mine.

    In the last month, I upgraded to a refurbed Denon 2900. Before, I used the 563a and the DACs on my pre/pro(redbook).....sounded great. Now, I slightly prefer the DACs in the 2900. For DVD-A and SACD, the change was more noticeable.

    The purchase of the 2900 was more due the fact that I got a new TV and wanted to upgrade the video side. Then I thought, "why not upgrade audio too?" that is what sent me in 2900 direction.

    OK...that was off topic a bit.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Default Only a day away

    Well, my acsends have now made it to New Jersey and should be here by tomorrow and, of course, I have an appointment so I will not be here when they arrive. Guess I will be up very late tomorrow night (till the wife starts screamin anyways) auditioning them and will give my very humble and poorly educated review shortly there after. Hoping to start it with " I just can't wipe the smile off my face" heh heh just kiddin!

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    Good luck G...I'm sure you're gonig to like them.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California


    Guess you can't cancel the appointment?

    You know, you don't look like you are feeling very well......

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    Cough, cough...ya know..achoo..sniff...I think yur rite!

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Smile Can't take it no more.

    Hi guys, great site.

    I work at night time and have spent the last 3 or 4 nights reading about ascend speakers as much as possible. This many people cant be wrong! Great reviews everywhere I look. I can't wait to have these in my setup. I'm going to order the cmt 370m's tomorrow. I've been saving up to get them. I will also order the cmt 370c before the 45 days are up and who knows what else I'll order after I hear them.

    I have a Yamaha Rx-v630 75w X 6, with 12 gauge monster cables with bannana plugs. Are these cables good enough? or should I invest in others?

    My room is currently 13 X 14. I hope that the cmt 370's aren't overkill.

    I will post what I think of them once I set them up.

    Last edited by Borismaster; 03-24-2005 at 10:26 PM.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Edmonton, Alberta Canada


    Quote Originally Posted by Borismaster
    Hi guys, great site.

    I work at night time and have spent the last 3 or 4 nights reading about ascend speakers as much as possible. This many people cant be wrong! Great reviews everywhere I look. I can't wait to have these in my setup. I'm going to order the cmt 370m's tomorrow. I've been saving up to get them. I will also order the cmt 370c before the 45 days are up and who knows what else I'll order after I hear them.

    I have a Yamaha Rx-v630 75w X 6, with 12 gauge monster cables with bannana plugs. Are these cables good enough? or should I invest in others?

    My room is currently 13 X 14. I hope that the cmt 370's aren't overkill.

    I will post what I think of them once I set them up.

    Hi Borismaster - welcome to the forum!

    Your cables will be just fine. A lot of people run 16 gauge lamp cord from Home Depot - as long as the runs are under 30 feet you'll be fine.

    With your comments on the CMT 370's', I'm assuming you mean the '340s' (It's alright, I've done that more than once myself ). For your size room, they are not necessarily 'overkill' per say, but I'm not sure if you would get any more out of them then you could the CBM 170's at a much cheaper cost. Nicholas Mosher recently purchased 5 CBM 170's and his room (I believe) is about the same size as yours he loves them.

    I guess the main difference is that the 340's have a bit of peak in the upper frequencies to help fill in a larger space, and with the extra driver they'll go a bit lower as well. The 170's are very flat across the whole spectrum that they cover (65hz to 20 khz). I have both, the 340's across the front, and 170's doing side channel duty. I have a 12 x 25 x 7.5 room. The 170's would have been good enough, but I like 340's just fine, just fine indeed. We're currently thinking of moving to a bigger house, we may even build if we can't find a suitable place. I want a bigger H/T, I also want bigger amps and a new processor. I'll need a new sub (nothing wrong with my current one, but if I get a bigger room, I have to get a bigger sub). As for speakers, I'm done. If anything, I'd order another pair of the CBM170's for rear channel duty, and perhaps another pair of the 340's for stereo listening somewhere else (Exercise room?), oh, but then I'll need another pair for my poker room (Texas Hold 'em anyone?). Needless to say, I plan on making David a busy guy once I move

    You won't be disappointed with either. But to be honest, if I were on a tight budget and looking at Ascend for a 13 x 14 room, I'd go with the 170's.

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