Quote Originally Posted by newbo101 View Post
This is exactly the situation I’m trying to solve for. A fairly wide 2 cushion couch in front of the speakers with a TV and console in the middle. I noticed when sitting on the left side that I mainly hear the left speaker or at least that’s my perception. So wondering how best to make it sound fairly uniform across. I can play with horizontal alignment of all the pieces a little bit, couch, speakers, tv/console.
Please post a pic of the front of your room showing the 2 speakers and the side walls. That stated, Curtis is correct - if you are sitting closer to one of the speakers, you will hear the output from that speaker before the opposite side speaker. That is how our brain interprets what we hear and is by design so we can detect where sound comes from (directionality)

If one speaker is closer to a side-wall, this will be exaggerated because you not only hear the direct sound from the speaker, but also the reflections from your room. So, with the speaker on the left, try to move it further away from the side wall next to it, while also moving the right speaker closer to the side wall directly next to it.

Again, please post a pic as that is most helpful.
