With the speakers 4 feet apart, we have fantastic imaging.
I strongly recommend Stereophile Editor's Choice cd. It has a number of very helpful tracks, both test tracks and music. And John Atkinson describes how he recorded all of the music tracks, with descriptions of how they should sound.
Stereophile Editor's Choice - Test CD - Music Direct
The best way to use the music tracks would be to listen to them without knowing how they're supposed to sound, and then read the descriptions, imho.
Last edited by James; 02-21-2024 at 06:19 AM.
In case anyone's interested, there are a few things we did that noticeably improved the imaging of our system.
First we used REW and an equalizer to help remove room effects.
Then we took the bases off of the speakers and installed furniture glides directly to the speakers.
And lastly we mounted the tv on the wall, moving it behind the backs of the speakers.
With the last change, we also changed some cables, but it's hard/impossible to know how much that contributed to the improvements. My guess is that moving the tv was a bigger improvement.
Please post a pic of the front of your room showing the 2 speakers and the side walls. That stated, Curtis is correct - if you are sitting closer to one of the speakers, you will hear the output from that speaker before the opposite side speaker. That is how our brain interprets what we hear and is by design so we can detect where sound comes from (directionality)
If one speaker is closer to a side-wall, this will be exaggerated because you not only hear the direct sound from the speaker, but also the reflections from your room. So, with the speaker on the left, try to move it further away from the side wall next to it, while also moving the right speaker closer to the side wall directly next to it.
Again, please post a pic as that is most helpful.
some tips for you:
- Try placing your speakers about 9 feet apart, the same distance as they are from your main listening spot (MLP). Adjust from there to see what sounds best.
- Angle the speakers slightly towards your listening spot. This can help with clarity and creating a good soundstage.
- Keep the speakers at least 1-2 feet away from the back wall to avoid boomy bass. You may need to adjust based on your room.
- Make sure both speakers are placed evenly on either side of the room and your TV for balanced sound.
Hope this helps! cheers