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Thread: New EverSolo DMP-A6 Streamer

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Houston, Texas

    Default Re: New EverSolo DMP-A6 Streamer

    Yes, it is. I was checking Amazon almost daily for availability. Ordered as soon as it popped up. I think the next day it was again out of stock.

    You could also check Summithifi. Several folks on other forum(s?), like AVS, purchased from them.
    * LG OLED65E6P, BenqHT2050A
    * Anthem AVM90, Rogue ST100, VTV Pascal 7 ch
    * Sierra Towers/Horizon (all ELX RAAL), S2EXv2 surrounds, HTM200SEx4 heights, Rythmik E15HPx2
    * VPI Classic 1+ (VTA & Fatboy Gimbal), PE Eagle/RR, VAS NOVA, Soundsmith Paua, Manley Chinook, Bob's Devices SUT, SugarCube 1 mini
    * Oppo 203 & 103D, EverSolo DMP-A6
    * miniDSP Flex, Audiosensibility & Blue Jeans cables, Symposium & Isoacoustics, GIK
    * For RDJ: Anthem MRX720, Sierra LX, Luna Duo v2 center, CXNv2, TBD

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California

    Default Re: New EverSolo DMP-A6 Streamer

    I just ordered one from Amazon and should have it by tomorrow night.

    I have been checking Amazon monitoring availability and lead times. This morning was next day delivery, so I said to myself "well...I will have it this weekend" and pulled the trigger.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Houston, Texas

    Default Re: New EverSolo DMP-A6 Streamer

    Sounds great, Curtis.

    I put a 2 TB SSD in mine and copied all my music files over..took a day or so.

    You can also side-load additional Apps (APKs.) There's a good thread on this on the zidoo forum. Several other very useful threads on that forum as well.
    * LG OLED65E6P, BenqHT2050A
    * Anthem AVM90, Rogue ST100, VTV Pascal 7 ch
    * Sierra Towers/Horizon (all ELX RAAL), S2EXv2 surrounds, HTM200SEx4 heights, Rythmik E15HPx2
    * VPI Classic 1+ (VTA & Fatboy Gimbal), PE Eagle/RR, VAS NOVA, Soundsmith Paua, Manley Chinook, Bob's Devices SUT, SugarCube 1 mini
    * Oppo 203 & 103D, EverSolo DMP-A6
    * miniDSP Flex, Audiosensibility & Blue Jeans cables, Symposium & Isoacoustics, GIK
    * For RDJ: Anthem MRX720, Sierra LX, Luna Duo v2 center, CXNv2, TBD

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California

    Default Re: New EverSolo DMP-A6 Streamer

    I have been messing around with it for a couple of hours and happy.
    @racrawford65, you haven't steered me wrong yet!

  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Houston, Texas

    Default Re: New EverSolo DMP-A6 Streamer

    Thanks, Curtis. Glad you are enjoying the EverSolo.
    * LG OLED65E6P, BenqHT2050A
    * Anthem AVM90, Rogue ST100, VTV Pascal 7 ch
    * Sierra Towers/Horizon (all ELX RAAL), S2EXv2 surrounds, HTM200SEx4 heights, Rythmik E15HPx2
    * VPI Classic 1+ (VTA & Fatboy Gimbal), PE Eagle/RR, VAS NOVA, Soundsmith Paua, Manley Chinook, Bob's Devices SUT, SugarCube 1 mini
    * Oppo 203 & 103D, EverSolo DMP-A6
    * miniDSP Flex, Audiosensibility & Blue Jeans cables, Symposium & Isoacoustics, GIK
    * For RDJ: Anthem MRX720, Sierra LX, Luna Duo v2 center, CXNv2, TBD

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