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Thread: Proper care/maintenance of bamboo?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Pocatello, ID

    Default Proper care/maintenance of bamboo?

    I know that bamboo is a grass with properties similar to hardwood, but I am unfamiliar with the finer points of care and maintenance. The photos of the bamboo finish (I haven't seen it in person just yet) look stunning and I'd like to keep them that way for many years.

    A quick Google search recommends dusting and occasional use of linseed or flax oil, but that is for bamboo furniture which perhaps has a different finish and of course a different usage (I don't plan to set coffee mugs on such nice speakers!)
    Do the cabinet makers recommend for or against anything? What do current owners do?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California

    Default Re: Proper care/maintenance of bamboo?

    For me...dusting and occasional furniture spray with a microfiber cloth has done the trick.

    The gloss finishes...more care may be needed.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Default Re: Proper care/maintenance of bamboo?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sivar View Post
    I know that bamboo is a grass with properties similar to hardwood, but I am unfamiliar with the finer points of care and maintenance. The photos of the bamboo finish (I haven't seen it in person just yet) look stunning and I'd like to keep them that way for many years.

    A quick Google search recommends dusting and occasional use of linseed or flax oil, but that is for bamboo furniture which perhaps has a different finish and of course a different usage (I don't plan to set coffee mugs on such nice speakers!)
    Do the cabinet makers recommend for or against anything? What do current owners do?
    Any wood or Bamboo product that has a topcoat (Lacquer, Varnish or Water-borne) is not compatible with Linseed or Flaxseed Oil . These finishes are penetrants and reside in the outer layers of the wood.
    Topcoats such as used on these speakers should be dusted. Murphy's Oil Soap can be used to clean them. You could follow up a cleaning with furniture wax either paste or spray then buff for shine. I have never worked projects or jobs with Bamboo but would venture to say that it would not absorb
    oils given it's hardness. I can't answer to how Bamboo absorbs stain. I guess Toner spray could be utilized for coloring/evening the exterior finish. The modern Topcoats are very durable and with proper care can look great for a long time.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Pocatello, ID

    Default Re: Proper care/maintenance of bamboo?

    Thank you essnef and curtis for the information. I am glad I asked. I'll stick with dusting and, if for some strange reason a speaker becomes dirty, with Murphy's Oil Soap.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Default Re: Proper care/maintenance of bamboo?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sivar View Post
    Thank you essnef and curtis for the information. I am glad I asked. I'll stick with dusting and, if for some strange reason a speaker becomes dirty, with Murphy's Oil Soap.
    The best way to clean the satin finished Sierra speakers is with a microfiber cloth. I do not recommend using Murphy's Oil Soap or any type of cleaning solution. Here is a link to the cloths we recommend:
    Good Sound To You!

    David Fabrikant

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