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Thread: IPOD and the Audiophile

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default IPOD and the Audiophile

    Here is an interesting article from the NY times that may be of some interest to folks here:

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    I don't know...there's a lot of articles around these days about how iPods and mp3s are killing sound quality, killing high-end audio, and making audiophiles into dinosaurs.

    I grew up, and fell in love with music, listening to LPs and cassette tapes (8-track was already on the wane by the time I started paying attention). Everyone knew that cassettes didn't sound nearly as good as LPs, but we still bought pre-recorded tapes, taped our friend's albums, and listened to them endlessly with no harm done. Tapes were awesome because you could never put a turntable in your car.

    These days, you have way more control over the sound quality of an mp3 than we ever had with cassettes...even a 128kbps mp3 blows away the sound of any tape I made growing up (I do miss cross-fading tho. Or at least the faux-crossfades that I got really good at using just the recording level sliders on my tape deck).

    All of this much-maligned convenience puts more music into the ears of more people more often. This breeds a love for music...a love of good sound quality comes years (for me, decades) later.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    I too had the same experience with cassettee tapes and I sometimes play them through my main system ( and wish my car had a player!). Convenience and portability for music listening have reached levels I never dreamed of. But it occurred to me that the the increased speed with which we live our lives and all of the competing forms of entertainment may have a greater impact on changes in the audiophile world than MP3 files. It's not too often that I can sit down and really listen to an album from beginning to end with focused concentration. I often listen while doing chores and often use the shuffle function on my 5-CD player. These days, if you want to get your music, you often have to get it on the move. So much for the sweet spot!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California


    I think downloadable lossless music will be a common option soon enough. There are already two pretty good options with and

    FWIW...I use FLAC files at home, and Apple Lossless on my iPod. The only real reason I have an iPod is because of the integration with my car stereo, otherwise I would have some other portable device that supported FLAC.

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