View Full Version : Are the Sierra-2EX Really This Good?!?

12-05-2021, 06:43 AM
I recently discovered an on-line review of a well respected speaker manufacture's top-of-the-line stand monitor from Denmark, the Raidho TD1.2 (https://www.theabsolutesound.com/articles/raidho-td12-loudspeaker)!

IMHO, Kirk's TAS comments Parallels My Findings of the AA Sierra-2EX (http://forum.ascendacoustics.com/showthread.php?7355-AA-Sierra-2EX-Monitor-Review) in my dedicated music rooms setup! His descriptives, superlatives and expressions of performance are much more refined and accurate than what I've been able to express, so even though it's not a very fair comparison ($$$ wise), thought I'd post this as a much more informative reference to what I Hear, Feel and Know about the Sierra 2EX!!! :cool:

FWIW, believe the 2EX bottom end bass response (for all but pipe organ genre) is excellent and although I've paired it with a powered sub (love PO music), feel I'm missing nothing when playing other genre full range! ;)
