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View Full Version : Hello From New Jersey

04-13-2013, 07:41 AM
Just arrived a pair of Sierra-1 with NrT upgrade this past Monday. The attention to detail of the finish, the color of the dark cherry, and entire ordering process is the best. So now being impressed with this level of perfection I set up my Yamaha VR-902 grab a favorite CD and turn everything on. All I can say to myself is "How is this possible?" Let me explain. Speakers I've owned in the past had to be big to be loud and really big for bass. (I still own an old set of Vega towers standing 4'5" with a 15" subs.) Yet these relatively small bookshelf size speakers can be loud and produce good bass. They have a cleaner sound than I remember getting from a set of JBL Monitors I ran
a few years back.My **** 201's sound like mud in a direct comparison.
Well I have to get back to rearranging the room around and getting these speakers broken in.