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View Full Version : Netflix lies, cheats, and screws its customers

12-03-2010, 02:01 PM
I've been a Netflix customer for ten years. I'm now paying an extra five bucks a month for 'blu-ray' access.

'House, Season 6', 'Supernatural, Season 5', 'Doctor Who, Season 5', 'Sherlock from the BBC' - ALL ARE AVAILABLE ON BLU-RAY.


Netflix had the last Doctor Who shows on blu-ray, so it's not just that they aren't stocking some things, they have ACTIVELY STOPPED GETTING BLU-RAYS FOR THINGS THEY USED TO GET.

I guess since Blockbuster folded they think they can LIE, and CHEAT, AND STEAL FROM THEIR CUSTOMERS.

I can't remember being this pissed off at a business.

Send your letters to:

Reed Hastings
Netflix, Inc.
100 Winchester Circle
Los Angeles, CA 95032

12-03-2010, 04:18 PM
just looked up season 6 of house on the netflix site, and there is no indication that they have it available for their customers on bluray. just because a movie is available on bluray to purchase in stores doesn't mean that netflix is required to have it, unless they specifically say in their "blu-ray access" additional fee terms that they will have every movie that is available to purchase in stores on blu-ray in their dvd rental selection...

i don't see how this is lying, cheating, or stealing. poor management of their inventory? sure, but i've seen MUCH MUCH worse business practices elsewhere.

12-03-2010, 04:34 PM
They had 'Chuck' season 2 in blu-ray, but for season 3 they've gone back to dvd.

They had 'Doctor Who - Waters of Mars' on blu-ray, but for season 5 they've gone back to dvd.

They had 'Supernatural, season 4' on blu-ray, but for season 5 they've gone back to dvd.

GET IT???? I've been looking at this for hours, it is AMAZING WHAT THEY DON'T HAVE IN BLU-RAY.

Oh, all these blu-rays I've listed in this thread - THEY ARE AVAILABLE FOR RENT at Blockbuster. And there are a lot more I haven't listed like 'Smallville Season 9', 'Fantasia', 'Fantasia 2000', and on and on.

If Netflix doesn't want to be in the blu-ray business, fine. But they shouldn't say they are, charge people money for it, then cut the selection to ribbons. Seriously.... no 'House' on blu-ray? No 'Supernatural'? No 'Smallville'? No 'Chuck'?

Netflix charges you FIVE DOLLARS EXTRA PER MONTH to rent blu-rays BUT THEY HAVE DRAMATICALLY LOWERED THE NUMBER OF BLU-RAYS THEY HAVE. It is, at its core, dishonest. Sure they say, 'well, the fee is for what we have'. But THEY ARE DRAMATICALLY SHUTTING DOWN THEIR BLU-RAY SELECTION.

I've had TEN YEARS OF CONTINUOUS SERVICE with NETFLIX. Well, no more. I just canceled my account.

12-04-2010, 11:46 AM
from what you're describing, they're not lowering their selection at all, they're simply not stocking more recent releases on bluray as fully as they could, and arguably should, be. i can see why people would be upset about this, but calling the company liars, cheats, and crooks based (seemingly) only on this fact is out of line, in my opinion.

anyways, glad to see another Chuck fan on here. that show rules!