View Full Version : Moving Question

08-18-2009, 01:51 PM
Currently stationed overseas, Navy. and getting ready to transfer back to the states. When the speakers shipped out here there was a flood in Naples and the boxes got destroyed.

So wondering what would you guys recommend to pack them. Only thing I can think of right now is just bubble wrap the hell out of them

08-18-2009, 04:06 PM
bubble wrap, maybe double box for added protection. I think the goal is probably to just keep them from moving around in the box. A double box will help protect from punctures, drops on the corners, etc. just a thought.

08-18-2009, 06:22 PM
I would suggest box inside of box if that's an option with something like 2-3" foam pieces to space the inner box from outer box on the sides and at the corners and bubble wrap or other soft fluffy lightweight material to pack the speaker securely within the inner box. If not I would suggest you have very thick region of bubble wrap around the piece. I haven't brought speakers back from Italy but I used to bring beer back from Belgium all the time and using something like box within box I could bring back 24 bottles of Chimay or Westmalle each trip without any breakage. The trick was making sure that everything was very stable, that nothing could shift around at corners, etc. I just used styrofoam blocks from packaging I hadn't gotten around to recycling and if I didn't have enough polystyrene sometimes would use rolls of toilet paper or other low weight things I could wedge tightly between the boxes. Bubble wrap I'd expect can work so long as you have enough of it to build a good 2-3" of distance from the edges of the box to where the fragile items are and also separating items and you pack it in a way that the pieces in your packaging are very well immobilized (if not they can wreak havoc on your bubble wrap which can ultimately result in damage. I used to ship alot of reasonably fragile but somewhat heavy (25 lbs) stuff to customers in Europe through FedEx, UPS and Schenkers, wrapped this way in bubble wrap and never had a problem (probably 40 shipments).