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View Full Version : Subdude for the DS15SE?

08-09-2009, 04:11 AM
The DS15 SE's 18"x18" foot print makes it too big for a single 15" x 15" Subdude, or even a 23" x 15" GRAMMA. Because the DS15 has built-in legs, overhang isn't an option like it is for a box sub, or a cylinder with a flat bottom.

Anybody have their DS15 sitting on an isolation riser? If so, what did you go with?

Obviously, I could use two GRAMMAs, but don't really want an 18"x18" work of art sitting atop a 23" x 30" riser. Then again, might not be the end of the world.

Are their better options?

08-09-2009, 07:41 AM
what type of floor is the sub sitting on?

08-09-2009, 09:37 AM
It's a finished basement -- ceramic tile over concrete.

08-09-2009, 04:45 PM
The the subdude will not do much for you. Ceramic tile over concrete doesn't resonate/vibrate.

08-09-2009, 04:53 PM
Good to know. One less thing to buy.

08-09-2009, 05:00 PM
Just get a piece of carpet to put under the sub, or maybe some rubber pieces to put under the sub's feet to keep it from sliding around or marking up the tile.

08-09-2009, 05:48 PM
I agree with curtis 100%. I use the subdude gramma under my sub. I live on the 2nd floor of an apt. building with wood uncarpeted floors. The gramma works great for my situation and my neighbors like it too.