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04-01-2004, 10:33 AM



04-01-2004, 10:36 AM
very nice

04-01-2004, 10:44 AM
cool. I guess it's a slightly better design than my stick figures inside a box. ;-)

04-01-2004, 10:47 AM
If SigmaB will let me post his, along with the winning design, you will definitely understand why I was glad I did not enter.


04-01-2004, 12:14 PM
Aside from this new logo being a thousand times better than the old one. I think it's great that owners of current Ascend speakers will be able to get replacements badges. I'll definitely be putting myself into that waiting list, whenever it starts up.

04-01-2004, 12:20 PM


04-01-2004, 12:30 PM
Congrats to all the winners, man that new logo is SWEET. Note to DF, that logo would look really cool on a black baseball cap.

Sigma B
04-01-2004, 12:49 PM
Awesome... I love the new design....

While I would have loved to won - it's just cool to participate! Dave, You will be recieving my order the later part of next week (I have to move into my new apartment).

I just love designing stuff. I hope everyone has had as much fun as i have had!

04-01-2004, 01:08 PM
Great Logo. I'll be in line for the replacements for sure- my 3 yr. old has already removed the old ones! I'll second having the new logo embroidered on a black baseball cap.


04-01-2004, 03:04 PM
Very nice, an excellent choice.

04-01-2004, 04:05 PM
Sweet design! Congrats Mark, Sigma, and Craig.

04-01-2004, 09:34 PM
Very nice! Much like the one I had sketched out - but never entered (can't win the lottery if ya don't buy a ticket!). I'll definitely be on the list to get two of these!!


Paul Disney IV
04-01-2004, 11:29 PM
Fantastic. This design will help Ascend stand out even further against the competition. Congratulations!

04-02-2004, 12:39 AM
I like it.

04-02-2004, 12:49 AM
Yes, like the new logo a lot. Personally, I couldn't figure out a classy way to use the two 'A's like that. My ideas kept looking like the logo for either <font color="red">A</font id="red">merican <font color="red">A</font id="red">irlines or <font color="red">A</font id="red">lcoholics <font color="red">A</font id="red">nonymous [:D]

04-02-2004, 01:04 AM
Great design!!! Looks much better than the current one.

Does it sorta look like a rocket to anyone else, or is it just me? [:D]

04-02-2004, 02:00 AM
It was back on my birhtday Dec. 11th that I started my first thread here sugesting that Acsend change their Logo. I am so glad that it led to this. I am very, very pleased with it. I'll be proud to put that on my beloved Ascends! It really does the company justice!!!!


04-02-2004, 03:13 AM
the new logo is awesome. Truly off the hizzle fo shizzle.

04-02-2004, 05:39 AM
Bad. Ass. Major thumbs up to the winner.

Aside from updating the badges on my 340s I would also love to have that logo on a baseball cap. Good suggestion, JohnnyCasaba.

04-02-2004, 06:02 AM
Add my voice to the chorus. That's one fine piece o' work. I vote (with my wallet open) for the ball cap as well. I could use it to persuade my wife that we need this logo in certain stategic locations in the HT/LR. Three accross the front and two in the rear corners.


04-02-2004, 08:51 AM
I am really happy that everyone likes the new logo.

Now I need an opinion, should the shape of the entire logo remain rectangular -or- as more commonly implemented, oval?

I welcome all opinions!

Good Sound To You!

David Fabrikant

04-02-2004, 10:08 AM
A very professional looking job guys! I vote for the oval shaped logo Dave. And let us know when the list for those wanting to "upgrade" their logos is in place. And another vote for putting this design on a baseball cap.

Sigma B
04-02-2004, 11:37 AM
are there any other options other than rectangular or oval shaped? Either or is fine with me, but why not accentuate the new design and make it triangular with rounded corners - like a partially melted Hershey's *sp* Kiss or Bell shaped - Why conform? Just a thought....

if choosing between those - I vote either or

04-02-2004, 12:50 PM
I really like the suggestion made by Sigma B. A triangular logo with the rounded corners would look sharp.

If that wasn't possible, I'd vote for a rectangle. It seems to me that if you had the new logo on a oval shaped badge. There might be a lot of empty space on the lower half of the badge.

04-02-2004, 01:07 PM
Very well done!

Go rectangular. I think if you use an oval you will lose the impact of the flowing curves of the double arched A's. And the same with a rounded triangle. I believe they'd stand out better with a straight lines framing them.

04-02-2004, 01:48 PM
I say rectangle with rounded corners.

By the way everyone, I am looking into getting embroidered baseball caps made.


04-02-2004, 10:11 PM
Great Design..... Great Job Guys.... How about window clings so that we "die hard" ascend owners can proudly display the new logo in our vehicles...... Looking forward to the request list being formed. I'll certainly put in my replacement order for 5....


Greetings from Central Florida!

04-03-2004, 02:37 AM
Hmmm- I think I'm inclined to agree with Quinn about an oval shape being a distraction away from the double A's... on the other hand the oval shape would contrast nicely with the rectangular/squarish shape of the speakers themselves. From a distance I think a badge with curvature to the perimeter would compliment the speaker better...for an up-close inspection of the badge itself then rectangular would be better. How's that for a "sittin on the fence" opinion. Actually if I was forced to choose... I think I would have to go with oval because I think it is more important for the speaker to have good visual impact at stand-back distances. I'll offer up a compromise...straight top and bottom and curved ends??? Maybe "Ascend" can be stretched out longer to help fill the dead area of the curved ends.


04-03-2004, 03:44 AM
I have some suggestions in regards to attaching the badges to the speaker grills. How about retaining an area on the wood portion of the grill so the badges can be mechanically fastened vs. just glued on. A relatively small "hump" can be left during cutting the wood portion of the grill and maybe the badges can be attached similiar to the way boyscout or hat pins are secured...thru two very small precision located holes in the wood. If the customer should desire to remove the badges then the retainers are removed and the badge slipped off with no visible damage. The customer could also position the badges at the top of the grill...rotate the grill and unclip and rotate the badges too. For those of us wanting retrofit badges this type of attachment would still work for us too... just push the pins thru the speaker cloth and push on the retainers. With a little more secure mounting system- or with the badges located at the top of the speaker- maybe my kids would leave them alone. Another thought- with the badges designed this way they could also be sold or one supplied gratis with new purchases and the customer could pin them to his own ball hat...relatively low cost advertisement. Just a couple ideas... maybe the costs would be prohibitive.


04-03-2004, 07:51 AM
Would have to agree with Sigma, make it triangular if possible . . . matches the shape of the logo. Otherwise, hmmm, well, let me see, okay, maybe, yep I think, it would have to be oval. Or rectangular. Oval, rectangulr, oval, rectangular, slimy, crunchy. Oh all right, OVAL!

04-03-2004, 10:39 PM
any shape is way better than the last logo I like the pin design where a person could attach it anywhere they would like to pin it on ie:bottom of speaker, top, side, etc. on your shirts, baseball hats etc thats my 2 cents

04-07-2004, 01:31 AM
I've always thought Ascend needed a new logo. Sorry to offend the original designer, but the old logo looks, well, like something doodled during third period when you have a substitute.

The new logo is very slick, but I'm wondering if you will be able to read the lettering when you reduce it to a speaker badge. And whether the fine AA's will kind of disappear in a small badge with a dark background. And whether a dark background badge will disappear into the black speaker cloth and black speakers that Ascend is known for. These are practical considerations you should think about before ordering a huge mess of badges ... Don't be afraid to tinker with the design, you want people to be able to recognize the badge from a distance, without having to get within 6 inches.

I don't even own Ascends (still considering my options), but I think the new logo is a step in the right direction, getting Ascend on its way to being a professional-looking speaker. Like it or not, packaging is important for commercial success. Just ask ****.

These comments are meant to be helpful, not bashing. If you need any trademark help, let me know.


04-28-2004, 11:10 PM
Any word on the new logo's premier date? David, Curtis....anyone?


04-29-2004, 01:50 AM
I think Dave posted somewhere about aiming for the first week in May?


04-29-2004, 04:27 AM
Next week, eh! I wonder how close they actually are to releasing it? Will the replacement logos for current Ascend owners be a "Free product update"?:)


04-29-2004, 04:49 AM
oh...I meant the website...not the logo replacements.

I am working on hats for those that want to purchase them.
