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04-02-2006, 07:54 PM
Hi Guys,

I bought a new digital spl meter from RS to replace my original analog one (works fine) The directions for the digital unit say to point it directly at the source while the analog unit had you pointing it toward the ceiling. Is the manual correct for the new digital one?

Also, I want to "sweep" my room and need to know what test CD/DVD to get. My S/V home theatre tune up doesn't get that deep.



04-03-2006, 05:59 AM
If you can hook up your computer to your setup (or have already done so) or burn a MP3 cd, you can download a fileset of tones in 1Hz increments from RealTraps (http://www.realtraps.com/test-cd.htm).

And if you want to get a little more high-tech, you could try the free Room EQ Wizard (http://homepage.ntlworld.com/john.mulcahy/roomeq/) software, which will do the sweeps for you. A bit of reading and configuration to begin with, but so much better than taking the readings by hand.

04-04-2006, 04:19 AM
When you want to measure a sound source directly, you should direct the microphone at that source. When you want to set levels in your room for a multi channel setup, the advice is to point the microphone straight up in the air at the ceiling. The mic is omnidirectional and will receive sound for measurement equally from all directions. If you can, get a copy of Room EQ Wizard, it is free and a very easy and good program to use.

04-04-2006, 04:55 AM
To throw another twist in here. I believe my analog Rat-shack meter came with directions to aim the meter upward but at a forward angle when tuning a surround system. I assume this tends to simulate the ears reception to sound. I'd guess this essentially would cause a slightly higher actual SPL setting for the surrounds but our ear would interpret the sound to be equal.


04-05-2006, 07:33 AM
When you want to measure a sound source directly, you should direct the microphone at that source. When you want to set levels in your room for a multi channel setup, the advice is to point the microphone straight up in the air at the ceiling. The mic is omnidirectional and will receive sound for measurement equally from all directions. If you can, get a copy of Room EQ Wizard, it is free and a very easy and good program to use.

Wizard looks awesome but I don't have a PC in the livingroom. Whats the best CD/DVD to use to sweep the room?



Lee Bailey
04-10-2006, 10:41 AM
Probably the Rives Audio Test CD. It offers an extra set of tones that are calibrated for the Radio Shack meter as well.