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03-24-2006, 11:16 AM
This is a metaphor for how Ascend handles business (it just-so happens to be true):

I purchased a 5.1 surround sound set-up. I moved. I lost a binding post nut. Something small. Something simple. I called Ascend to see if they could add it to my new order (the upgrade to my 7.1 set-up). I told them I would pay for it.

***drum roll please***

They told me that it might be difficult to add it to my order. They told me that there was a slight hold on the new S.E speakers.

***deep breath***

They said they'd have the nut out to me in a few days. They told me they didn't want me to have to wait for the other speakers to come!

......Seriously. You show me another company that would do that in SECONDS without hassle and refuse to make me pay (not even as much as the shipping fees). You show me another company with customer service like that and I'll show you a liar!

Sure, the speakers sound great. You can hear that all over the place. Sure, if you have too much money on your hands, you can buy better speakers! The thing you need to realize is, it's nice to see that there is a mom-and-pop shop out there that sells affordable products (Sorry Ascend for the lame reference).

When I ordered my first set of speakers, my housing company lost them. I called Ascend and they sent them to me right away. I notified the manager of my housing complex right away. Ascend had them to me before the housing people could find them! I LIVED IN A SMALL COMMUNITY! There storage room was pretty small. Ascend was PRETTY DAMN FAST!

Go ahead and buy a "better" speaker. Spend your $3000 on your front speakers. I'll be sitting here enjoying my set-up. Ascend is the only company taht I have EVER dealt with that provided me a product that I stand behind 100%. I wish I could say the same for my 03 Jetta GLI!