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View Full Version : What movie is your 'reference' movie?

Lee Bailey
05-19-2005, 04:04 PM
What movie(s) do you to like to use as a reference when demoing your system to others?

Some of mine are:

The Fifth Element (Superbit)
The Incredibles
The Matrix
Titan A.E. (the Ice Fields scene)

Nicholas Mosher
05-19-2005, 04:27 PM
Finding Nemo.

05-19-2005, 04:40 PM
I think it depends on what I am trying to show off.

If it is the sub, then all the usuals.....Finding Nemo, Titan AE, LOTR, The Matrix, etc.

For full on 5.1/7.1, I do like the bean/drum dance scene in House of Flying Daggers now a lot., and some of the DTS demo discs I have.

Nicholas Mosher
05-19-2005, 04:51 PM
In Finding Nemo I love the deep/involving soundtrack that has everything from gentle brass/strings to pounding drums. It's also loaded with panning effects and has heavy surround use. Obviously it has some pretty good bass to, being a Pixar film. THX opening trailer is also good as an initial indication... :D

Voices are all recorded in studios and should be crystal clear. Sound effects out the wahzoo.

There are also alot of complex scenes with alot of sound happening at once.
Race through the Jelly-Fish, sea-mine party, seagull chase, EAC rush, etc.

Dave Nelms
05-19-2005, 05:22 PM
It is hard not to jump onto the latest and greatest discs as the ones to show off your surround system. I like to use films that have been around for a while.

The Fifth Element has always been a real crowd pleaser. It is hard to beat the Diva scene.

One of my favorite demo discs has been the IMAX film 'Super Speeway'. I like to use the 'On the Track' chapter. Great demo when the car passes on the right side. Most of my friends jump out of the seat.

Another oldie but goodie is the superbit version of Das Boot. The scene when the u-boat crew is forced to go deep to avoid depth charges is pretty cool.

A disc that seems that many people enjoy when I demo is 'Yellow Submarine'. I play several of the song tracks including 'Elenor Rigby' and the title track of 'Yellow Submarine'. It is too bad that the disc was not released in DTS after it had been mastered that way for the theatrical re-release.

If I am going to just blow people away with a concert performance I will pop in the the Blue Man Group's "The Complex" concert DVD.

05-19-2005, 07:13 PM
Nicholas...you are right, Finding Nemo has a lot of nice involvement and subtleties.....especially for someone that knows 5.1. I should try that one on my friends.

Most of my friends aren't into audio, I choose the obvious stuff so they don't have to concentrate too much. :)

05-19-2005, 07:33 PM
what about james camerons Aliens. the verison i got was before the dts i havent heard it on the ascend because i dont have them yet. does that sound good. i heard it gives a great since of clautaphoia in its 5.1 sound track. i can't wait to rewatch some of my favorite old movies and new ones

05-20-2005, 06:46 AM
Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, U-571(dts), Terminator 3, Norah Jones:Live from New Orleans, Star Wars II:ATOC, X2:X-Men United(dts), Saving Private Ryan, DareDevil(dts), Spiderman 1&2.

These are just some of the titles I own that make good demos.

I agree with Dave on Super Speedway.......awesome!

05-20-2005, 10:00 AM
The railroad scene from Close Encounters is great for
demoing a sub, because of the quick drop in volume from
the alien ship to just crickets chirping.

05-20-2005, 09:46 PM
for sub...Flight of the Phoenix's storm scene is my new bass demo

off topic: if you were a netflix member and you already cancelled or thinking about cancelling, BB now offers 2 months free + a free DVD. check it out

05-20-2005, 10:00 PM
still waiting to be able to purchase the ascends i want. but i normally play

5th Element
Starship Troopers
Bad Boys

all dts all superbit

but something inside me wants to get the R2 superbit for Ghostbusters and Jurassic Park

05-20-2005, 10:00 PM
i really enjoy LOTR:ROTK or, pretty much any from the trilogy. it's hard to go wrong.