Well I got the stands!

They worked out well and I am very pleased with their appearance. The wire management is superior but it will not allow that particular tube with the wire managemt to be filled with sand. Filling two out of three tubes did not make a lot of sense to me so I improvised a work-around. I used the long plastic bags that protected the tubes during shipping to contain the sand. I taped the end of the bag to the end of the speaker wires and fished the wires and bag together to the top of the tube. I then filled the bag with sand, taped it closed and the tied it above the tape. Then I just pushed it down into the tube. So the tube, designated for the wire management, has a decent amount of sand accompanying the wire. Then I filled the other tubes normally. The tubes no longer “sing” when binged! To extra sand security measures, I put Blue Tac on the bottom tube holes where the screws engage. Thus will act as a seal to prevent the fine sand I poured from leaking out of the bottom holes. I do not expect sand ever leaking out of the bottom onto the pedestal!

All in all they look really good. I really love me the tripple pillar look. My wife likes the stands too which is surprising!

They are very sound-deadened, very attractive and the tweeters are ever so slightly above my ear as I’m sliuched in the couch! When I’m sitting up (as I should), the tweeters are war level. They are pretty stable and it would take a set if wrestling children behind the stands to knock them over (it has happened before a long long time ago! Haha)

I’ll try to post pics. My first attempt in doing so indicated that the file size was too big.