People regularly get caught up in spec sheets, but this is not a spec that really matters that much as long as it doesn't look like something that is crazy or out of line. "Less than 1%" is basically the same as a low number like 0.009%. They just have to do the measurement a certain way to get 0.009%. It'll change based on how you're using and measuring the amp. Both of them will have no audible distortion.

Companies play these games on spec sheets to get people to pick their product based off of a few numbers, when most of the time they won't run at that spec, since playing music is not the same as playing a test tone.

I've seen Peachtree systems used with $30k+ speakers at shows. Their equipment is no joke. Extremely capable and very high value. I like that they list the spec the way they do, as that is far more honest when looking at how the device will be used.