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Thread: Curtis! I need your help!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California


    Here is the message I got from Chu:

    I have been tracking your post about speakers both at avsforum and ascend forum and I have a question for you. I want to get some speakers for my HT setup but I don't know if I should go with 3 CBM-170 and 2 HTM-200 or just go with the HSU Ventiloquist... I know you have heard both and wanted to see which route you would go with since you seem to have the similar ears as me. I already have a sub so that doesn't matter. I don't mind spending the extra money ($250 vs. $700) on Ascend if the sound is that much better and is worth upgrading to. I haven't heard either one so I can't make that judgement. If you can get back to me ASAP, I would appreciate it greatly. Another note... I know you have heard the Axiom as well... and I was so close of getting them but decided to change my mind because of you but I could still consider those but it will run me close to $1100 (M22, VP150, Q8) for the system I want. I'm so confused and I just want the best system for the price. OH.BTW... I have a Denon 3803 as a receiver to drive the spearers. Thank you for your help!

    And here is what I asked him:

    How big is your room? What is the ratio of music to HT the system will be used for?

    For a small to small/medium room, I think the Ventriloquist is a great HT setup for HT, and good for music if you can get over the unconventional way it handles mids/mid-bass through the center channel.

    If you listen to anything more than 20% music, and/or the room is beyond small, as the percentage of music increases, and room gets bigger, I would easily go with Ascends.

    I would actually like to put a small system in my bedroom. I am debating between a Ventriloquist system, or a 3.1 Ascend setup. I am leaning more and more toward the Ascend setup.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003


    My living room is about 15 x 12... fairly small. I would like to setup a 7.1 system but because of my small space retriction, I won't be able to. As far as what I will be using them mainly for, I probably use about 70% for HT, 20% for gaming, and 10% for music. But my main concern would be for HT since that's what I enjoy the most. So, how does the Ventiloquist hold up against the Ascends? How would you rate each system in terms of HT from 1 to 10 scale? Would either system be way better than retail market speakers like polk, JBL, or **** setup?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California


    In my opinion, each system provides more for your dollar than similar priced systems that are available in retail.

    The Ascends are easily a higher quality sounding setup. If the price difference is not a concern, get the Ascends. The Ventriloquist sounds great for its size.....but it definitely sounds "smaller" and "thinner".

    I would do four CBM-170's and the CMT-340c center, and will still be less expensive than the Axiom setup you purchased, and depending on tastes, better.


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