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Thread: Just Placed My order

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    gman - you may see them Friday. It depends on when they ship. I ordered mine last week. I think they left California on Thursday. So that's not too bad. I would have been nice to get them today though.


    I have a B&K AV5125 right now, which powers all but my two little side surrounds. I'd like the M200's for the added head room in the front, but Outlaw was going to charge me $90 in freight. They ship from the same damn state, and they weigh like 10 pound each. I payed less than $50 to have my 340's ship across the country. I'm going to keep my eyes open for some B stock or some used one's. I'm not in a huge rush. The 5125 plays my Paradigms louder than I can even listen to them anyway, so I'm sure it will be fine for the Ascends (about the same sensitivity and impedence). Thanks for the input though, they seem like a decent little mono block.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Huntington, Indiana


    Sorry about the nitpicking.

    The Outlaw Model 200's weigh 18 pounds each.

    Still pretty expensive shipping though.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by dae3dae3
    Sorry about the nitpicking.

    The Outlaw Model 200's weigh 18 pounds each.

    Still pretty expensive shipping though.

    I was too lazy to go to their site and confirm, but I did know that they were less than 20 pounds. How much does a 340 weigh...25 pounds...I thought their shipping was crazy money.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California


    I don't think Ascend charges the full actual shipping fee......$22 to ship a pair of 340's is pretty cheap.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    I disagree. I think what Ascend doesn't do is try to jack up their revenue with obscene shipping charges, which so many other places do. I would be willing to bet that Ascend has a pretty nice contract with UPS, especially since they're a "ship only" company. What Outlaw is doing, should be criminal. I bet it would only cost them $10-15 max, (and that's if they're negotiator stinks) to ship those to me. I don't mind paying a little extra, but let's be serious. I've worked on some global shipping contracts with companies like UPS and Fedex et. al, and let me tell you, when you lock in with those guys on a large scale, you can be talking some serious savings on freight, not to mention that it's a cut throat business, so they're always trying to unseat an incumbent carrier with price savings to the customers.

    I equate Outlaw's trick with one I saw on ebay - Buy it Now for $2.00, but there's a $35 shipping charge...and it's a friggin postcard.

    Again, this is just my opinion. But if you look at any of my audiogon listings, I'll ship everything for free or split it, because I can do it from work and take advantage of the discounts which means I am shipping for close to nothing.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    Sorry, I should have read that more closely...I agree with your comments about Ascend. Sorry about that.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California


    Oh...I think you are partly right.

    I used my company's shipping discounts to ship a pair of speakers I demo'd from California to Nevada....roughly the same weight as 340's.....the cost was close to $50 with insurance.

    I think DaveF even mentioned once that what Ascend charges amounts to a "handling" charge rather than full blown shipping.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    When dealing with companies like Ascend (open, honest etc.) I have no problem paying a handling fee, because there's some legitimacy there, not to mention that their product is top notch. It's only when the freight associated fees are obnoxious that it really bothers me.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Hi guys,

    Good discussion here.... and I will address some minor points.

    Yes.. We do have a contract with UPS. However, the discount we receive is minimal. I hate thinking about it because it is truly frustrating; the discount we receive is less than 10%. We have a horrible contract with them but I would rather spend my time and energy elsewhere

    The flat rate shipping charges we charge are considerably less than what we are charged for shipping the items. I determine the freight cost by calculating the average shipping cost of an item + insurance (throughout the US), and then basically cutting that amount in half. These rates apply to our loudspeakers and subs. Accessory shipping charges are not cut in half.

    Why don’t I charge “real” shipping rates? Well, you probably won’t believe this, but I feel that since my customers are taking a risk in purchasing an unheard loudspeaker, we should absorb half the shipping charges. It is not something I advertise as a selling point (and I never will), just something that allows me to offer a small thank you for auditioning our products, in turn allowing me to sleep better at night knowing that I am not price gauging my own customers….
    Good Sound To You!

    David Fabrikant

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    Dave, just another part of your business model that makes me feel good about my purchase. There's nothing worse than thinking you got a fantastic product at a great price, then realizing that with shipping costs, you're right back at the level you would have been if you had mde a purchase locally. Granted, Ascend is unique with it's offering, in that it can't be had at a local dealer, making your decision to not charge full price for shipping even more admirable. Thank you for not taking advantage - something not many businesses do these days. Like I said before, I have no problem paying for the product with reasonable shipping and handling charges. Personally, if the costs of doing business increases, I would prefer to pay more for the product itself, as opposed to fees. For example, if Ascend decided they needed more cash flow for R&D in order to expand their product portfolio, then I would prefer an increase in the cost of the products, not the shipping and handling. But that's just me. In any case, I definitely appreciate and support Ascends approach to customer care, as well as the concern you show towards your patrons. A novel trait these days.

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