Quote Originally Posted by reforminded View Post
Howdy all--
I currently have a pair of Bowers & Wilkins 703 S2 Towers, being powered by either a 150 wpc modern Marantz or a (bench tested) 250 wpc vintage McIntosh MC2205. I have an open plan living/dining area that is roughly 17x22, with the speakers 8 feet apart on the 17 foot wall. Room is carpeted with lots of furniture so not to much sound bouncing around. Overall I like the B+W, as they have clear and defined bass and articulate (if a little elevated) highs. The mids are very strong and clean, with vocals coming through naturally. They easily fill the room with sound and do not distort at all even when I crank it up.

What I don't love is that they are big dark monoliths that are a bit visually overwhelming in the space. I don't have a dedicated listening room, and my wife and I like to sit in the living room and listen (various spots on the sofa, so not perfectly on axis), as well as sit at the dining table and listen (further back, also off axis). I am thinking that visually the natural bamboo Sierra LX on some thin profile, light wooden stands would be much less overwhelming (even at the same height), and based on the specs it seems like they sound good from all sorts of angles whether sitting or standing, on axis or off (Compared to the Sierra with ribbon tweeters which really requires specific on axis listening?). Based on what I have read it sounds like the bass extension might actually be better than my B+W, so I am really looking for input from owners of the Sierra LX Bookshelves.

Has anyone moved from full towers to Sierra LX and found the same deep, clean room filling sound? Am I silly chasing bookshelves for this application? Would the ribbon tweeter version be better for my music (Jazz, Classical, acoustic, and some rock) or would I really miss the extra "oomph" from the LX? Any advice is appreciated--pic attached!


Based on the measurements of the 703 S2, they have a rather massive bass boost at around 80Hz and the overall neutrality and off-axis dispersion isn't impressive.


The LX is a considerably more neutral speaker, with wider dispersion. Bass extension between the 2 is actually very similar, but the 703 is going to sound like it has more bass due to that rather massive bass bump at 80Hz, which from an objective viewpoint, shouldn't be there.

The LX has lower sensitivity so it will require more power than the 703 to fill your space, but you have plenty of power so no concerns there.

In summary, yes - I absolutely feel the LX will fill your space and provide you with plenty of the oomph you are looking for, while also delivering a much more neutral (accurate) response.