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Thread: Sierra Tower with Raal

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Default Sierra Tower with Raal


    How much power are you feeding your Sierra towers with the Raal tweeter? I know they are a fairly efficient and have read the specifications/ recommendations.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Default Re: Sierra Tower with Raal

    Hi, I use a 90 watt per channel Rogue Audio Tube amp which provides more than enough power in a decent size listening room. I had a friend bring by his lower powered Pass Labs amp (30 watts per channel) without any issues (actually sounded amazing). In both amps there's a decent amount of current on tap which might explain some of the good results.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Default Re: Sierra Tower with Raal

    I'm way overkill with an Emotiva XPA-5 Gen 2 that puts out around 200 watts per channel. I run the thing pretty darn low all the time, but I love the insane amounts of dynamics it can push out without ever clipping. I scared the hell out of one of my dogs watching The Accountant. When he shoots out a bunch of windows with a .50 cal, the dog was going nuts looking around the room and looked at me like "WHAT THE HELL DAD, WE'RE UNDER SIEGE!"
    PS4/Nvidia Shield --> Emotiva XMC-1 --> Emotiva XPA-5 --> Ascend Acoustics Sierra Towers and Horizon Center w/ RAAL tweeters (L/C/R), HTM-200 SE (Surrounds), 2x Rythmik F12 subwoofers

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Loveland, Colorado

    Default Re: Sierra Tower with Raal

    Quote Originally Posted by nino View Post

    How much power are you feeding your Sierra towers with the Raal tweeter? I know they are a fairly efficient and have read the specifications/ recommendations.
    Hi nino,

    FWIW, I'm using a Yamaha RX-A3040 150 W AVR for my towers. I'm about 99% music and for me, the Yamaha and Sierra towers (and Horizon) w/Raal is a great combination.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Houston, Texas

    Default Re: Sierra Tower with Raal

    Quote Originally Posted by sludgeogre View Post
    I'm way overkill with an Emotiva XPA-5 Gen 2 that puts out around 200 watts per channel. I run the thing pretty darn low all the time, but I love the insane amounts of dynamics it can push out without ever clipping. I scared the hell out of one of my dogs watching The Accountant. When he shoots out a bunch of windows with a .50 cal, the dog was going nuts looking around the room and looked at me like "WHAT THE HELL DAD, WE'RE UNDER SIEGE!"
    LOL... what kind of dog? I have an 11-year old Pug -- poor guy is blind..and hard of hearing, I think. But, he's a pug and would sleep through a bomb blast or Sabbath played at 11!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Oakland, TN USA

    Default Re: Sierra Tower with Raal

    50 watts per channel through my Jolida JD302CRC EL-34 Tube Amp!
    It's a swell match up! The Sierra Towers w/ RAAL love that amp!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2020

    Default Re: Sierra Tower with Raal

    Quote Originally Posted by olleracip View Post
    Hi, I use a 90 watt per channel Rogue Audio Tube amp which provides more than enough power in a decent size listening room. I had a friend bring by his lower powered Pass Labs amp (30 watts per channel) without any issues (actually sounded amazing). In both amps there's a decent amount of current on tap which might explain some of the good results.
    90 wpc is a lot of power for a tube amp! I can see 30 wpc being plenty for most of us as well. These towers have great sensitivity and can get plenty loud even with just a few watts.

    Me, I'm overkill also with a Monolith 7, rated 200 conservative wpc. 300 into 4 ohms, and I don't think I've come close to utilizing it all. Likely 150 watts is the most I've pushed it and it was very, very loud. They handled it well with no audible compression or distortion.

    For the record I don't regularly listen at those levels. My Sierras were pretty new still and I was experimenting a li'l. It's much louder (dangerous even) than I'll ever listen for any significant length of time.

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