Quote Originally Posted by olleracip View Post
Hi, I use a 90 watt per channel Rogue Audio Tube amp which provides more than enough power in a decent size listening room. I had a friend bring by his lower powered Pass Labs amp (30 watts per channel) without any issues (actually sounded amazing). In both amps there's a decent amount of current on tap which might explain some of the good results.
90 wpc is a lot of power for a tube amp! I can see 30 wpc being plenty for most of us as well. These towers have great sensitivity and can get plenty loud even with just a few watts.

Me, I'm overkill also with a Monolith 7, rated 200 conservative wpc. 300 into 4 ohms, and I don't think I've come close to utilizing it all. Likely 150 watts is the most I've pushed it and it was very, very loud. They handled it well with no audible compression or distortion.

For the record I don't regularly listen at those levels. My Sierras were pretty new still and I was experimenting a li'l. It's much louder (dangerous even) than I'll ever listen for any significant length of time.