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Thread: Ascends for SALE.

  1. #1
    smokey's Avatar
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    Good luck on your sale. If you are not familiar with them, you might want to try out a couple of other sites for online speaker sales: or I've also seen Ascends on ebay before as well.

    What are you going to replace them with? What made you look to upgrade? Curious minds want to know!


    Thanks, the Management.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Manhattan Beach, California


    Staino, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you are going with Rockets...right? Have you heard them yet?


  3. #3
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    Oct 2003


    I ended up going with the Rockets: (RS750 sig version, RS550, RSC200, RSS300, & two UFW-10 subs). My current TV room is about 2x bigger than my original room so I was looking for something that would give me a fuller sound, but I also wanted something that would stand out in terms of looks. I have not had a chance to audition the speakers (appears like there's only one peron in Hawaii with them, but due to our schedules, we are having a hard time meeting up), but from what I read, I don't think I'll be dissapointed. I still like the Ascends very much(except for maybe the plain styling) and wish I could keep them for my other room. However, the spouse would not go for that.

  4. #4
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    I have heard the RS750's and the RSC200. I like the RSC200. The RS750's are nice, but not to my liking, they are not a neutral speaker. I was told by a sig 750 beta tester that if you had an original 750, and someone swapped it for a sig 750, you would be hard pressed to tell the difference, but others say different. The build quality on the Rockets are top notch.

    What I would really like is your thoughts on the UFW-10 compared to the VTF-2.


  5. #5
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    I consider myself very much an amatuer at this hobby and don't fully understand all the terminology used to describe sound, as my experience is limited. So I won't try to make any comparison between the two subs. I will say that the VTF-2 blended well with the Ascends and the low end was very satisfying when I had this set up in my orignal TV room. For the new room, I did ask Sean (AV123) about his opinion and he recommended I look into the SVS PB2-Plus as he felt the UFW-10 would not give me the impact I was looking for. After more thought, I felt that I didn't need that earth shaking bass (neighbors would only complain more) and the size & looks of the SVS sub would not meet with the wife's approval. The looks of the UFW is very appealing and for $299 each and the free shipping offer, it was hard to pass up. I have a few potential buyers for the VTF, but I'm in the middle of getting the woofer cone replaced under warranty. Apparently the cone tore, not sure how, but HSU is supposed to be sending me a replacement shortly.

  6. #6
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    Manhattan Beach, California


    too bad that VTF-2 weighs a lot. I wouldn't mind making an offer on it.


  7. #7
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    E-mail sent.

    Matt Lake

  8. #8
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    Oct 2003


    One buyer bought (2)170's and (2) 200's.
    Another buyer purchased a single 170.
    Maybe they will post their thoughts here once they have had a chance to evaluate them.
    Thanks to those that inquired. I ended up selling for less than my asking price. One buyer lucked out when I mailed his shipment today via priority mail instead of parcel post. It was a $30 error on my part, but he should get them before the weekend to play with, so I don't mind.

    My Rockets have finally arrived on shore. When I called to inquire, they told me that they are one week behind in unloading the containers. Damn, what can you do?

    Lastly, if anyone is interested, I am still looking for a buyer for my Outlaw Audio 1050. Purchased in July 2002. To be replaced with a Denon. Everything on the Outlaw works and looks good. I have not experienced any of the problems brought up on the Outlaw Audio website. Asking $285 plus shipping. If interested, please let me know your zipcode, and I can give you approximate shipping costs. Shipping will be insured via the US Post Office.
    I have not had a chance to post the sale of this on any other forums yet. Figure I throw it in while I'm here.

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