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Thread: Introducing the Sierra-2EX!!!

  1. #91
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Default Re: Introducing the Sierra-2EX!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by 2ChannelListening View Post
    Thank you for that correction, it was a little confusing when taking the measurements. I will go back and add a line in the comments. Thanks for the clarification!
    Lots of information about the EX woofer in this thread:

    It's a huge thread but quite informative.
    Good Sound To You!

    David Fabrikant

  2. #92
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Default Sierra-2EX Klippel NFS Measurements!

    We are most pleased to publish Sierra-2EX Klippel NFS Measurements.

    The Klippel NFS is a fully automated robotic measurement device that uses advanced technologies to achieve true full-range exceptionally high-resolution directivity measurements that are considerably more accurate than anything else currently available. These measurements allow for a deep peek into the performance of any speaker.

    For more information about this device, please see here:

    The following measurements took ~ 6 hours and used 4800 individual measurements (1600 different microphone positions) to achieve ~ 99.5% accuracy. There are 20 data points per octave to conform to CEA-2034 standards. The measurement at each of the 1600 different microphone positions was taken 3 times and averaged together to improve the signal to noise ratio further enhancing accuracy.

    The key points that these measurements reveal is the remarkably wide and linear horizonal dispersion as seen in the contour plot (+/- 80 degs!), as well as the excellent estimated in-room response. The directivity index in the CEA-2034 plot shows extremely tight integration between our EX woofer and the RAAL ribbon. These measurements also match up well with our original published measurements but are more accurate as there is no time gating or smoothing.


    s2ex nfs_CEA2034.jpg

    s2ex nfs_eiroom.jpg

    s2ex nfs_hcontour.jpg

    s2ex nfs_eref.jpg

    s2ex nfs_imp.jpg
    Good Sound To You!

    David Fabrikant

  3. #93
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Default Re: Sierra-2EX Klippel NFS Measurements!

    Quote Originally Posted by davef View Post
    We are most pleased to publish Sierra-2EX Klippel NFS Measurements.

    The Klippel NFS is a fully automated robotic measurement device that uses advanced technologies to achieve true full-range exceptionally high-resolution directivity measurements that are considerably more accurate than anything else currently available. These measurements allow for a deep peek into the performance of any speaker.

    For more information about this device, please see here:

    The following measurements took ~ 6 hours and used 4800 individual measurements (1600 different microphone positions) to achieve ~ 99.5% accuracy. There are 20 data points per octave to conform to CEA-2034 standards. The measurement at each of the 1600 different microphone positions was taken 3 times and averaged together to improve the signal to noise ratio further enhancing accuracy.

    The key points that these measurements reveal is the remarkably wide and linear horizonal dispersion as seen in the contour plot (+/- 80 degs!), as well as the excellent estimated in-room response. The directivity index in the CEA-2034 plot shows extremely tight integration between our EX woofer and the RAAL ribbon. These measurements also match up well with our original published measurements but are more accurate as there is no time gating or smoothing.


    s2ex nfs_CEA2034.jpg

    s2ex nfs_eiroom.jpg

    s2ex nfs_hcontour.jpg

    s2ex nfs_eref.jpg

    s2ex nfs_imp.jpg

    Looks great, Dave! Any chance you'll publish Klippel scans for the rest of Ascend's speakers?

  4. #94
    Join Date
    Mar 2019

    Default Re: Introducing the Sierra-2EX!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by davef View Post
    We are most pleased to publish Sierra-2EX Klippel NFS Measurements.

    The Klippel NFS is a fully automated robotic measurement device that uses advanced technologies to achieve true full-range exceptionally high-resolution directivity measurements that are considerably more accurate than anything else currently available. These measurements allow for a deep peek into the performance of any speaker.

    For more information about this device, please see here:

    The following measurements took ~ 6 hours and used 4800 individual measurements (1600 different microphone positions) to achieve ~ 99.5% accuracy. There are 20 data points per octave to conform to CEA-2034 standards. The measurement at each of the 1600 different microphone positions was taken 3 times and averaged together to improve the signal to noise ratio further enhancing accuracy.

    The key points that these measurements reveal is the remarkably wide and linear horizonal dispersion as seen in the contour plot (+/- 80 degs!), as well as the excellent estimated in-room response. The directivity index in the CEA-2034 plot shows extremely tight integration between our EX woofer and the RAAL ribbon. These measurements also match up well with our original published measurements but are more accurate as there is no time gating or smoothing.


    s2ex nfs_CEA2034.jpg

    s2ex nfs_eiroom.jpg

    s2ex nfs_hcontour.jpg

    s2ex nfs_eref.jpg

    s2ex nfs_imp.jpg
    Awesome! Thanks for taking the time to get these properly measured and for following the current loudspeaker research. Many manufacturers don't do either.

    Any chance we'll see something similar for the Sierra RAAL Towers?

  5. #95
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Re: Introducing the Sierra-2EX!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Shazb0t View Post
    Awesome! Thanks for taking the time to get these properly measured and for following the current loudspeaker research. Many manufacturers don't do either.

    Any chance we'll see something similar for the Sierra RAAL Towers?
    ASR did a horizon measurement, it should be pretty close to the sierra tower.

  6. #96
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    SouthWest of Cleveland

    Default Re: Introducing the Sierra-2EX!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by RicardoJoa View Post
    ASR did a horizon measurement, it should be pretty close to the sierra tower.
    I'd think Dave would prefer to take his own measurements rather than rely on a 3rd party for those.

    Theoretically if the Klippel setup is an automated, hit "GO" and collect the results affair than the measurements should be similar. Although Dave has had less play time with it, I'd give him the edge when it comes to getting this right given his decades of professional experience.

    * Sierra-2EX's W/V2 crossover upgrade
    * (2) Rythmik F12's
    * Parasound Halo P6
    * Audio by Van Alstine DVA-M225 Monoblock Amps
    * MiniDSP 2x4HD For Sub calibration
    *World's Best Cables Canare 4S11 speaker cables

  7. #97
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Default Re: Sierra-2EX Klippel NFS Measurements!

    Quote Originally Posted by davef View Post
    we are most pleased to publish sierra-2ex klippel nfs measurements.

    The klippel nfs is a fully automated robotic measurement device that uses advanced technologies to achieve true full-range exceptionally high-resolution directivity measurements that are considerably more accurate than anything else currently available. These measurements allow for a deep peek into the performance of any speaker.


    The key points that these measurements reveal is the remarkably wide and linear horizonal dispersion as seen in the contour plot (+/- 80 degs!), as well as the excellent estimated in-room response. The directivity index in the cea-2034 plot shows extremely tight integration between our ex woofer and the raal ribbon. These measurements also match up well with our original published measurements but are more accurate as there is no time gating or smoothing.


  8. #98
    Join Date
    Apr 2020
    SF Bay Area

    Default Re: Sierra-2EX Klippel NFS Measurements!

    I just placed my order for a Sierra 2EX. The lady who answered the phone was very helpful and informative. I learned about the Sierra 2EX from the Hoffman forum.

    The Sierra 2EX will replace my 5-year old Epos K1s, which I bought used from my local dealer as a "place holder" until I can afford a decent speaker. Well, I couldn't really find much fault about the Epos, even after auditioning a Proac Tablette and Harbeth P3ESR before the pandemic. Having read great reviews and after much "research", I think the Sierra 2EX is the ticket for me.

    I will be using the Sierra 2EX with a Rega Elex-R and a REL T5i. My only concern is that I have very limited space; the speakers will have be placed about 10" from a rear wall. I will have to make compromises but that is the price of living in the Bay Area. I am looking forward to participating in this community.

  9. #99
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    S.E. La. - USA

    Exclamation Re: Sierra-2EX Klippel NFS Measurements!

    Quote Originally Posted by PATB View Post
    I just placed my order for a Sierra 2EX. The lady who answered the phone was very helpful and informative. I learned about the Sierra 2EX from the Hoffman forum.

    The Sierra 2EX will replace my 5-year old Epos K1s, which I bought used from my local dealer as a "place holder" until I can afford a decent speaker. Well, I couldn't really find much fault about the Epos, even after auditioning a Proac Tablette and Harbeth P3ESR before the pandemic. Having read great reviews and after much "research", I think the Sierra 2EX is the ticket for me.

    I will be using the Sierra 2EX with a Rega Elex-R and a REL T5i. My only concern is that I have very limited space; the speakers will have be placed about 10" from a rear wall. I will have to make compromises but that is the price of living in the Bay Area. I am looking forward to participating in this community.
    Hello PATB and Welcome to the Ascend Acoustic Forum!

    Congrats on your Sierra-2EX purchase...Great Choice!! You've probably found several 2EX reviews HERE, but also there is a real good U-Tube video HERE!! Possibly, you've been following the 2EX threads HERE?!?

    Not a lot to add to the above, but believe you will find the Sierra-2EX Very Accurate Monitors...Enjoy!

    Sierra RAAL V2 Towers, Axiom EP 500 Sub, Morrow SP7 Grand Reference Speaker Cables, Phillips CD880 XLR Balanced Variable Line Output to Orchard Audio Strakrimson 375w/per ch Stereo Ultra GaNFET Amp..... (Dedicated 2.1 Acoustical Music Listening Room)!

  10. #100
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Re: Sierra-2EX Klippel NFS Measurements!

    Very nice measurements! And they match what others have described when comparing them to original Sierra 2 version - more midbass and a bit smoother in the upper mids.

    Side note: Somebody needs to post this in the Loudspeakers section of this forum! I saw reference to these measurements on another forum but couldn't find them here for the longest time! (I hardly ever look at the "Announcements" section.)

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