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Thread: Wow.....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default Wow.....

    Upgrade was painful for the 1st one, but...WOW....That's all...😮🤘👍
    Nice Job Dave!
    Wasting $ on garbage is like challenging a dragon with a pocket knife....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Central NC

    Default Re: Wow.....

    Quote Originally Posted by muzz View Post
    Upgrade was painful for the 1st one, but...WOW....That's all...落
    Nice Job Dave!
    Ummm.... context?
    "If it sounds good, it is good." -- Duke Ellington

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default Re: Wow.....

    Sierra1 to 2EX Bruce. Sorry for the confusion.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default Re: Wow.....

    Forum is weird, I tried to edit a post, and it deleted it 😳...
    I hooked up my Boston Acoustics BA7200 Amp ( Sherwood Newcastle A965) because of a bad rear left amp on the AVR988...Old Boy still works mint, he's been on the shelf since 12/12. Preamps are fine on the 988.

    I gave you shit for the fitment of the 2EX Dave, I Apologise for that, I should have known better.
    These Sound OUTSTANDING!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default Re: Wow.....

    I popped the driver on the right side....these were being HAMMERED for hours though, not many people do that to THAT EXTREME, I blame myself, not Ascend, so I won't put in a BS Warranty Claim. I will need a new Woof though Dave, I'll call Dina tomorrow.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default Re: Wow.....

    I might need to move up to the towers, I need SUSTAINABLE HIGH VOLUME. I only have the BA7200, Which is rated at 100x7 continuous, it's an AB Amp, Monoblock design, so I'm good on power afaik.
    Let's talk tomorrow Dave.

    PS: This forum is weird now, I tried to edit, and it deleted, I had to go to cache to retrieve it.



  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default Re: Wow.....

    The reason I am thinking about going to towers, is I'm thinking about spreading the heat load(more drivers).
    Maybe I'm thinking wrong, but when I get going, it's cranking...for HOURS... Like today.🙄
    I burnt that driver up, 100W for 4 hrs straight on one driver?

    Totally my fault.

    The left driver is well broken in though! 😂

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default Re: Wow.....

    BTW guys, these are cranking right now(center driver Upgrade is in right Speaker), and have been since I replaced the driver....most folks would leave the room right now... and this volume isn't what it was at, it was FAR louder than this... there's this...and then there's that....and they aren't even REMOTELY close.
    These Speakers take a beating, trust me on this... I'm pretty impressed... I was a drummer for years, I'm VERY used to VERY loud, and these can keep up...I kept pushing them higher and higher, longer and longer....
    These are NOT going to pop, EVER, for 99.9% of the population, don't think that, I beat this to death with maximum power for hours on end, most couldn't...and WOULDN'T, be in this room while this was going on... I'm just a Dumbass that is stupid to be around that sound level for that long, and used to it...
    Please don't think the Speaker is weak because of my trouble, it's NOT (Sounds MINT, and it's tough!) I'm guessing I'm <1% of the public, not better, just been around LOUD for a long can call me #Dumbass, I'm ok with that! 😆

    WTG DAVE, this is a #WINNER!👍

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default Re: Wow.....

    They sound so good, I'm thinking of upgrading my sub...
    These sound MINT.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default Re: Wow.....

    They don't care for fast LOUD metal IMO, they start to sound like the SE TWEETER,Under duress.
    They are stressed hard.
    Carly Simon? Perfect.
    I'm listening to Numerous bands at numerous volumes...mostly hard rock like rage, but I've obviously bagged outside this...
    Imma give a REAL BAG, I don't know another way, and Immma push anything and everything.
    I guess it all happens how you listen,and your room...
    Whatever, I've done this for awhile, my amp is good, and I Love EVERYONE.
    SPEAKERS are Great, I need better., Little drivers can't handle power for days, and I listen to power for days.
    Good Speakers? I didn't measure, but they sound top shelf.
    Power? Eh, I popped a driver, but I pounded it Mercicurlessly for hours...THAT IS NOT CLOSE TO NORMAL ABUSE, TOTALLY MY FAULT, and I ADMIT IT.
    Dave probably hates me, but I punished this shit ,and told the truth... it's Not the Speaker,I beat it to death.
    Will they sound great? Absolutely, Ascend is top Shelf.
    Gimme bigger stronger drivers! 😆

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