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Thread: Crossover settings for Sierra 2EX and volume

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2020

    Default Crossover settings for Sierra 2EX and volume

    I have a Denon x4400 and Sierra 2EX for my LCR. I currently have them set to crossover at 60Hz. I’d like to get a little more volume out of them. I have a decent sub (Hsu VTF3 MK4)...would crossing the Sierras at 80Hz give them more volume because they can concentrate on the higher frequencies and put less energy into the lower frequencies?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Houston, Texas

    Default Re: Crossover settings for Sierra 2EX and volume

    Easy enough to try crossing over at 80 and see how it sounds to you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2020

    Default Re: Crossover settings for Sierra 2EX and volume

    in theory it definitely makes sense but to be able to gain a noticeable SPL to your ear is doubtful.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2020

    Default Re: Crossover settings for Sierra 2EX and volume

    I think raising your crossover might give you a touch more headroom and punch in that range and down, but you'll still want to be careful with those glorious tweeters. I sit pretty far from my front stage and get pretty close to clipping territory at reference levels with my Sierra 2s. How far do you sit from your speakers?

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