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Thread: The audio industry still doesn't make sense to me...

  1. #41
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Default Re: The audio industry still doesn't make sense to me...

    Quote Originally Posted by curtis View Post
    I don't get it...

    Dave told you there isn't a reason to build what you are envisioning, and you asked again.

    The Sierra 2EX crossed at 80hz is your answer.

    The port really doesn't come into play above 80hz.
    Dear Curtis,

    From reading what Dave wrote (I read it several times just to be sure), I was wanting to make sure that he understood that I wasn't talking about a speaker with a -3db point at 80hz. And that I wasn't talking about a speaker with multiple woofers or tweeters. And I wanted to make sure to clarify that a smooth off-axis performance is very important to me as well (so I wasn't envisioning a woofer too large).

    I wanted to just be sure that he understood exactly what I was curious about and not something a little different, because I wanted to be sure it didn't make any difference. After all, the CBMs, the CMTs, and the Luna's -3db points are what informed my ideas. When he mentioned -3db at 80hz, it kinda threw me off.

    Sometimes, in the medical field, we have to get an order clarified. Do Doctors get upset at this? Who knows? It isn't viewed as "questioning the Doctor's judgement". If something seems a little "off" about a response you get, you ask for clarification just to be sure. Sometimes the exact same response comes back, and sometimes the Doctor says "Oops! We got our wires crossed a little back there. Here's my new answer..."

    I value Dave's input very much! I wanted to make sure we were on the same page.
    Also, Dave didn't mention anything about a sealed cabinet. I was curious about that because I know the mid-range on the tower is sealed, some other bookshelf speakers are sealed, and Jimb mentioned sealed as well. Just curious.

    I know that Dave is a very busy man, so it's okay if he doesn't answer. I totally understand. Just making sure he's not accidentally answering a question that wasn't asked. Seeking clarification.

    Thanks Curtis!! You da man!! Sit back and relax my friend.

  2. #42
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    Manhattan Beach, California

    Default Re: The audio industry still doesn't make sense to me...

    To me, what seems like you are doing is trying to justify your idea (and how come JimB isn't chiming in?), not clarifying an idea.

    I think it is very clear that the 2EX is the answer, it ticks all your boxes, unless you decide to add some more. Its performance is outstanding in the frequency range your desire, and then some.

    BTW...the midrange in the Tower is sealed so it doesn't interact with the woofers. I think Dave has that in one of his posts in the Tower thread.

    OK...enough said, I will bow out. Carry on.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Default Re: The audio industry still doesn't make sense to me...

    Quote Originally Posted by curtis View Post
    To me, what seems like you are doing is trying to justify your idea (and how come JimB isn't chiming in?), not clarifying an idea.

    I think it is very clear that the 2EX is the answer, it ticks all your boxes, unless you decide to add some more. Its performance is outstanding in the frequency range your desire, and then some.

    BTW...the midrange in the Tower is sealed so it doesn't interact with the woofers. I think Dave has that in one of his posts in the Tower thread.

    OK...enough said, I will bow out. Carry on.

    Well, I'm sorry about Curtis leaving. I hope I didn't upset him. That was never my intention. And, if Jimb is paying attention, I'm just saying things like "Jimb told me to" as a joke. I'll try to be very straight-forward and serious in the future.

    To rightfully defend myself from Curtis's accusational posture (trying to justify). This is ABSOLUTELY FALSE. I did learn a lot from Dave's response, but there are some points that seem a little unclear to me (information below 80hz assuming which -3db point? did he think I meant 80hz -3db point? I don't know.) And, again, I wasn't sure how sealing the bookshelf speaker would affect everything. <-- This isn't clarification, it's just something that I wish he talked about in that post. Just my curiosity and I wanted to see what Dave would say about sealing a woofer as high performing as an EX. Would this do anything at all? Or maybe hurt it? Just my curiosity. Now I'm considering port plugs for my EXs. But that's kinda off-topic. I sought clarification ultimately for clarification.

    This section of the forum is labeled: Technical Discussions, and it is described as "The place for high-level technical discussions such as loudspeaker DESIGN, room acoustics, subwoofer design, FUTURE audio/video technologies etc..." (emphasis mine). I'm saying this to defend my starting this topic on a whim...

    However, thinking about Curtis's responses and the role he plays, I feel it may have been inappropriate for me to have raised this kind of discussion on a speaker company's website. And if so, I apologize. I will keep this in mind in the future, and pay closer attention to which forums I ask which questions.

    No hard feelings (I mean that).
    Ascend is still my favorite speaker company. I wish you guys continuing health and success in the future. Take care.

  4. #44
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    Default Re: The audio industry still doesn't make sense to me...

    I don't think it's wrong to ask the questions you asked but I would suggest rereading your posts and making them much shorter. But don't overthink it. We all appreciate learning and the technology side of our speaker systems. Take care and happy listening!

  5. #45
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    Manhattan Beach, California

    Default Re: The audio industry still doesn't make sense to me...

    No hard feelings.

    You have obviously done your reading. I just feel the answer was already given to you.

    Now you are asking about sealed vs ported, which in itself is another topic. That said, like I mentioned before, if you are crossing the Sierra-2EX at 80hz, the port doesn't come into play.

    The Sierra-2EX does what you want it to do, why are you going beyond that? Because you think there is something better for your needs?

  6. #46
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Houston, Texas

    Default Re: The audio industry still doesn't make sense to me...

    Quote Originally Posted by natetg57 View Post
    I don't think it's wrong to ask the questions you asked but I would suggest rereading your posts and making them much shorter. But don't overthink it. We all appreciate learning and the technology side of our speaker systems. Take care and happy listening!
    I agree. The questions are good, but shorter / more direct (organized?) posts would help.

    I also agree with Curtis that the S2EX hits the mark you are looking for technically as well as commercially.

    No offense meant to Johnny.

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