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Thread: Upgrade to F18, or second LV12R?

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Default Re: Upgrade to F18, or second LV12R?

    Quote Originally Posted by kdaq View Post
    Oh wow, I don't think I ever posted here about what I ended up doing, did I? In November of 2018 I got the F18!

    At first I wasn't sure about it. My basement is carpet on concrete, and I put the sub without feet in a corner (I have no flexibility in placement unfortunately). It rattled everything like crazy! Next I put it on its rubber feet, and this seemed to help the rattling. The accuracy was fantastic, but I was missing tactile response. Eventually I tried the sub without feet again, but with one difference: I pointed the driver away from the wall and out into the room. That did the trick! The rattling went away, and the TR improved.

    I recently also upgraded my mains from Sierra-2 to Sierra-2EX. These have what I perceive as improved punch or slam (with only a touch of warmth over neutral), and the whole system really sounds phenomenal together.

    This setup uses XT32 room correction, but pretty sure I would benefit from a second sub and/or some DSP correction for the sub specifically. It's a bit of work though, and I'm just really enjoying the setup as it is right now. No regrets!
    How did the tactile response of the F18 compare with what you had on the LV12R? Many over on the Rythmik AVS thread seem to say that one of the benefits of the ported subs is that they can give more tactile response than the sealed subs. Though you have a huge difference in output capabilities going from the LV12R to the F18. The F18 has more output likely at every frequency in comparison.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Re: Upgrade to F18, or second LV12R?

    The LV12R had pretty amazing TR (and overall sound quality) for the money. Really a phenomenal value. That said, once I got my positioning right, the sealed F18 clearly wins on both counts. It's not an enormous difference on the TR front, but it made me happy. I do wonder what a FV18 with a paper cone would sound like, but the accuracy of the F18 is pretty stunning.

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